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MT 29 January 2017

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 29 JANUARY 2017 EU Summit 7 networks exploiting vulnerable migrants. To contribute to this aim, in May 2015 the Council established an EU military operation, EU NAVFOR Med Operation Sophia. Also in May 2015, the Council agreed to reinforce the civilian mission EUCAP Sahel Niger, to provide support in preventing irregular migration and combatting associated crimes. Strengthening the EU's external borders An effective control of the EU's external borders is fundamental for the manage- ment of the migration flows within the EU. To achieve this, discussions are ongoing at the Council on the future management of the EU's external borders, including the use of new technologies for border control. In October 2016, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency was officially launched. The Agency will closely moni- tor the EU's external borders and work together with member states to quickly identify and address any potential secu- rity threats to the EU's external borders. In December 2016 the Agency launched the rapid reaction pool. Made of 1500 officers, it will be deployed within five working days in a crisis situation. The continued increase in migratory flows through the Mediterranean under- lines the need to provide assistance to those member states dealing with high migratory pressures. In the past year, the Council has agreed to the relocation of 160,000 people in need of international protection, from Italy and Greece to other member states. In addition, the EU has taken action to help member states fulfil their respon- sibilities to register migrants. As part of this action, the European Council agreed in June 2015, to the creation of facilities in frontline member states to ensure the registration of migrants. Return and readmission of illegal migrants An effective migration policy must also include the return to their countries of origin of those people who have no right to stay in the EU. To achieve this, the EU is working to define which countries of origin can be considered safe, and negoti- ating readmission agreements with third countries. Photography by Mathieu Willcocks/

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