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MW 8 March 2017

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2 maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 8 MARCH 2017 News PHOTOGRAPHY BY: CLODAGH FARRUGIA O'NEILL - DOI Elderly to gain home access to medical consultants through new geriatrics programme YANNICK PACE A new service will see home- bound elderly people gain access to a medical consultant in their own homes. The programme, launched yes- terday by the parliamentary sec- retary for active ageing, Justyne Caruana, is intended for those who are not able to easily get to Mater Dei Hospital. The service is already available to those signed up for the gov- ernment's community care pro- gramme, and new cases will be accepted from April. Commcare, the government service that offers community- based care and which has some 30,000 signed up individuals, will be administering the pro- gramme. "If you can't move you won't have to go to outpatients or the private sector," Caruana told a room full of enthusiastic elderly people at the Paola Active Age- ing Centre. "Commcare will be coordinating it and we will be able to continue putting the pa- tient at the centre of care." Caruana also stressed that since the service is being launched on a national level, it will be available to all those over the age of 60, including elderly people in Gozo. The service will be provided by an "equivalent" of three full- time consultants. Caruana also emphasised that the service is a continuation of the government's vision of put- ting community services at the core of work being done, adding that the project was born out of recommendations made by the people on the ground adminis- tering community care. Caruana said that while the service will be available to eve- ryone, a basic assessment will have to be carried out to ensure the system is not abused. Following the launch, Caruana was presented with a bouquet on behalf of those at the Active Ageing Centre. Parliamentary secretary Justyne Caruana launched a programme which will provide access to medical consultants for house-bound people Court stops St Julian's council over St Patrick's Day concession LABOUR MP Luciano Busuttil has secured a court injunction on the St Julian's local council, in his capac- ity as a lawyer acting on behalf of the bars Ryan's Pub, Tigullio and Saddles Bar, protesting a decision to grant Philip Gatt and Melchior Vassallo exclusive rights for the St Patrick's Day celebrations of 17 March. Massive Promotions were granted a licence to play music and sell al- cohol during the celebration, while not owning any outlet in the St Julian's area. The bars in question were granted a council permit to extend their point-of-sales outside their shop fronts, but without play- ing music. The commercial establishments said the decision was "abusive and illegal" and that the council was trying to negotiate on a compro- mise to allow the two entrepre- neurs to organise the sale of bever- ages throughout the spontaneous St Patrick's Day celebration in St Julian's. Traditionally, the bars are the main outlets serving customers cel- ebrating the Irish patron saint, with Irish bars in the area using the day as an occasion to attract customers. Big business: in 2016, thousands of revellers gathered in St Julian's to celebrate St Patrick's Day. Photo: Bay Two hooded men rob Balzan shop JEANELLE MIFSUD TWO hooded men robbed a Balzan shop yesterday morn- ing. According to police, the two men entered the shop on Triq il-Kbira at about 11:15am and took money from the cash reg- ister. One of the men was allegedly armed with gun. The shop owner, a 73-year- old woman, and customers who were in the shop at the time of the robbery were unharmed. The police are investigating. Widow of road accident victim awarded €164,500 MATTHEW AGIUS A driver who negligently contrib- uted to the death of a motorcyclist in 2010 was yesterday ordered to pay €164,583.25 to the victim's widow, after a court found him partially responsible for the fatal accident. The sum awarded in damages was half that which she would have otherwise been entitled to, however, after the court declared that both parties involved in the fatality bore responsibility. Dolores Scicluna filed a claim for damages, in her name and on behalf of her minor son, against truck driver Jeremy Cilia, who had allegedly caused the death of her husband, 35-year-old Jes- mond Scicluna in Siggiewi Road, Zebbug. The First Hall, Civil Court, pre- sided by Mr Justice Silvio Meli, heard how on 11 April 2010, Cilia had pulled out of a side road with- out checking for oncoming vehi- cles. The sudden appearance of the truck had forced Scicluna to swerve onto the opposite lane and crash. Court experts deduced that the victim had been driving at 101km/hour at the moment of impact. The court noted that the tragedy might have been averted had the victim not been speeding himself. The responsibility for the ac- cident was shared between both driver and motorcyclist, ruled the court, awarding the widow one half of the full €329,166.50 due in damages, as a result.

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