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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 3 MAY 2017 News 8 PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRIS MANGION YANNICK PACE M ALTA is currently facing a political and institutional crisis because of instability caused by rampant corruption at Castille, according to Nationalist Party leader Simon Busuttil. Addressing supporters who gathered at the party headquar- ters for the first rally of the cam- paign yesterday evening, Busut- til said the country was in need of a change in direction. "The problem is clear, it is cor- ruption and corruption is syn- onymous with [Prime Minis- ter] Joseph Muscat. This is why we asked for the resignation of those responsible for corrup- tion," he argued. Busuttil stressed that the Na- tionalist Party welcomed an election because it was the only way the country can finally be rid of the current administra- tion. "The problem of corruption will not be solved by an elec- tion," said Busuttil. "Joseph Muscat thinks an election is like a washing machine: you put Jo- seph Muscat and Labour Party in it and everything comes out clean." Busuttil added that those who are corrupt remain corrupt and that the country risked enabling Muscat even further if he was given a second chance. "We are here because yester- day the Prime Minister decided to call an election," said Busut- til "I have been told that this was the first time a Prime Minister announced an election during a mass meeting rather than from Castille which goes to show what type of Prime Minister he is." Busuttil then questioned why Muscat had decided to call an election so early. "How is it that with such a big majority he is calling an election after only four years," he asked. "The Prime Minister we have was, and still is, in the midst of criminal investigation and should have resigned a long time ago." Busuttil argued that Muscat had called an election because he thinks that polls show he is winning and that his chances are good. "What happens when the in- quiry is over and it turns out that he or Keith Schembri is guilty of wrongdoing? Will he resign shortly after being elect- ed?" Busuttil asked. He said it was clear that Mus- cat is "drowning in his govern- ment's own corruption" and has realised that the corruption has grown so much that he is unable to continue running the country "He had to drop everything and everyone with him. This is what he said to his party, his ministers," he added. Busuttil said the country was passing through extraordinary times because never before has a prime minister been the subject of a criminal investigation. "In European countries, when Prime Ministers are investi- gated they resign," he said, and asked Muscat whether he really wants to be the best in Europe. "Or were you lying about that as well." Turning to the Prime Minis- ter's chief of staff, Busuttil said that it was clear that he was guilty of money laundering and that his close relationship with the Prime Minister made both their position untenable. "I am not here to talk about speculation but about facts. Keith Schembri has made cor- rupt money out of the sale of our citizenship," he said. Busuttil recounted how ac- cording to the information he passed on to inquiring magis- trate Aaron Bugeja, three Rus- sian individuals had paid Brian Tonna through his company Willerby Trade Inc, for purchas- ing Maltese citizenship. Ton- na, he said, in turn paid Keith Schembri "Both Tonna's and Schembri 's accounts were opened specifi- cally to accept these monies," he said. "It is therefore clear that this is corruption. This is money laundering." Busuttil once again pointed to reports by the foreign press about Malta's snap election ar- guing that no media house had said that an election was called because the leader of the oppo- sition created instability in the country, but rather because the Prime Minister is being accused of corruption. He stressed that the National- ist Party was the only alternative for those working under pre- carious conditions, workers and pensioners struggling to make ends meet, young couples look- ing for a home or those looking for a job. "Youths have to go and beg someone for a job, or ask the minister," he said. "We want to liberate these youths from the chains of politics. We don't want you to beg politicians to pro- gress." In addition to this, he said that a change in government was es- sential for those working in the financial services, iGaming, and construction industries, all of which were threatened by cor- ruption. According to Busuttil, the elec- tion would be a choice between "the corrupt clique in Castille", and "Malta, the Maltese people and all those who are of good will ", people who he said desper- ately wanted to live in a "normal country" where corruption isn't a perennial problem. Speaking before the party leader, PN deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami highlighted a number of electoral pledges that he said Muscat had not kept, in- cluding his promise of meritoc- racy, transparency and a zero tolerance towards corruption. Fenech Adami appealed to the government to ensure that arrangements are made for those living abroad to be given a chance to come and vote, and urged Air Malta to announce what f lights would be available as soon as possible. In addition to this, Fenech Ad- ami appealed to party activists to help in overseeing the process by which voting documents are distributed in people's homes. "Without this vote, people can't vote," he said. "Help us as- sure there are no abuses." Finally, he said that Joseph Muscat was in a state of panic and has called an election in the shortest time possible " because he thinks this way he won't get caught". "Each and every one of us has the responsibility to remove Jo- seph Muscat since he has chosen not to leave himself," he con- cluded. The problem of corruption will not be solved with an election – Busuttil Simon Busuttil drove the message home that Joseph Muscat is synonymous with corruption and must resign 'What happens when the inquiry is over and it turns out that the Prime Minister or Keith Schembri is guilty of wrongdoing?'

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