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maltatoday, MONDAY, 8 MAY 2017 5 News PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRIS MANGION Muscat calls for unity, says antidote to hatred is love Standing before thousands gathered in Haz-Zabbar for Labour's mass meeting on Day 7 of the election campaign, Prime Minister and Labour leader Joseph Muscat called for "a united Malta" MIRIAM DALLI IN a fiery speech yesterday afternoon delivered in Labour Avenue, Zabbar Prime Minister Joseph Muscat called on Malta to unite behind the Labour Party, "a movement of love". "Your children are my children and I am proud of your children," he said, taking Opposition leader Simon Bu- suttil to task over comments delivered earlier in the day during a political ac- tivity in Birgu. Busuttil had said that the com- munity was afflicted by problems of drug abuse, social housing and single parents. Muscat argued in a relatively short speech that this comment pan- dered to stereotypes and encouraged a divided Malta. "I will never accept anyone who calls out your children as being the ones on social benefits. Everyone has their problems and stereotypes have no place in this country. We have to show how people of influence were born from every area, sector and party in this country." Muscat said the best fight against ha- tred is love: "This is the movement of a united nation that fights hatred and treats everyone equally." He said that the June 3 election would not be just a choice between ideas but also about the quality of life the elec- torate wanted. "Do you want to halt progress or move forward? It's between Joseph Muscat and Simon Busuttil." Muscat said he had "a Maltese dream": "I have a dream… a Maltese dream, to see Malta as the best." He promised to continue sustaining the "new middle class that's been re- born". "This is a movement born out of conviction… which doesn't shy away from talking about matters which can be controversial. You know that we've given different communities their rights… because no love can be dis- criminated against. "And whilst others abstained, we be- lieve that civil unions should become equal marriage. Love is love and there should be no distinction." The choice has never been as clear as today, Muscat reiterated, as he re- counted the work carried out by the Labour administration during the past four years. "We have the full energy to continue leading this country forward," he said, adding that the electorate could imme- diately see that the Labour Party was coming forward with proposals, whilst void was reigning within the PN. He tore the PN's proposal – to grant €10,000 to couples who move to Gozo – to shreds, arguing that they couldn't even explain how it would work or who would benefit. To the contrary, Muscat added, the electorate knew how Labour's pledges would work: "You know that we keep our word. I kept our word when we reduced utility bills, when we reduced taxes, increased pensions and stipends and gave free childcare services. "We kept our words on these and so much more and you know we will keep our word on what we're promising." He described the proposals as being "responsible" aimed at retaining the surplus – money which will be distrib- uted back to families and businesses. Targeting young voters, Muscat said that youths were the "engine of this party" and the country, pledging zero taxes for the first two years in employ- ment for those who obtain a Masters or PhD in their studies. "Justice for all… prosperity with a purpose: this is what distributing wealth means," he said, as he told pen- sioners of the increases that would be coming their way if Labour is elected for a second term. To more applause, Muscat said that workers would be handed back the public holidays that fall on a weekend. The meeting was also addressed by PL deputy leader Chris Cardona, who immediately launched an offensive against the PN leader. He told the bois- terous crowd that if Simon Busuttil wanted to put Muscat in prison, "he will have to jail all of us". To chants of "Joseph! Joseph!", Car- dona continued by accusing Busuttil of having destroyed the Nationalist Party by going for "a coalition of con- fusion" – in reference to the Demo- cratic Party's decision, led by former PL MP Marlene Farrugia, to run on the PN ticket. "[Busuttil calls it] a national front… this is fake news!" he said, to more cheers. Telling his audience that the PN had described them as "drug addicts", Cardona told them that the Labour government had instead worked on creating more jobs and attracting in- vestment. "A week has passed and we came be- fore you with the first set of proposals. We stand before you, showing you that we are prepared and ready to continue governing. "Whatever they say, the choice is clear: a choice between the credible and true leader that is Joseph Muscat and the person who personifies in- competence, Simon Busuttil." Joseph Muscat yesterday at Zabbar

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