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MT 11 June 2017

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 11 JUNE 2017 36 This Week TVM 06:00 TVAM 07:30 Qalb in-nies 08:00 Personaggi 08:30 Maltarti 09:00 Hadt l-Ahbar 10:00 Valletta 10:30 Malta u lil hinn minnha 12:00 News 12:15 Hadd Ghalik 15:00 Hbieb u Ghedewwa 16:00 News 16:05 Hbieb u Ghedewwa 18:00 News 18:15 Ghawdex illum 18:50 Ninvestigaw x'qed nieklu 20:00 News 20:50 Manwela 22:00 Headline News 22:05 L-irkant 22:35 Skjetti mal-lejl 23:15 News 23:30 Smack Down TVM 2 06:00 Euronews 08:00 TVAM 08:50 Ahbar Tajba 09:00 Holy Mass 09:45 Vatican Magazine 10:15 Qalb in-nies 10:45 DOT EU 11:00 Awtokura 11:30 Maltarti 12:00 Gourmet 12:30 L-ordni 13:00 L-irkant 13:30 Gadgets 14:00 Ghanafest 15:00 Saffi 15:30 Jazz Festival 2016 17:00 Tertuqa 17:30 Mixage 18:00 European Quali- fiers - Republic of Ireland vs Austria 20:00 Swim up 20:25 News for the Hearing Impaired 20:45 European Qualifiers - Serbia vs Wales 22:45 European Qualifiers - Highlights Programme 23:00 News in English 23:05 Sports News NET TV 07:00 Net News 08:15 Telebejgħ 08:45 Analizi 09:30 Telebejgħ 10:15 Immagni 11:15 Quddiesa mis-Sant- warju Ta' Pinu 12:00 Skoperti 13:00 NET News 13:15 Telebejgħ 15:30 Iswed fuq l-Abjad (repeat) 16:40 Wheelspin (repeat) 17:30 Flusek (repeat) 18:00 NET News 18:05 What's for Dinner 19:30 NET News 21:30 MFPA Awards 2017 23:00 NET News ONE 06:00 Better Living 07:00 Ilsien in-Nisa 08:30 Paper- scan 10:00 Ondroad 10:30 Dak li Jghodd 11:30 Aroma Kitchen 12:30 ONE News 12:40 Telebejgh 13:00 In d House 14:00 ONE 15:30 ONE News 15:40 ONE 16:40 Country Jamboree 17:30 ONE 19:00 Ieqaf 20 minuta 19:30 ONE News 20:15 ONE 20:50 Ahseb ghal Ghada 21:00 Tul il-Kosta Maltija 21:30 Liquorish 23:30 ONE News CANALE 5 06:00 Prima Pagina Tg5 07:55 Traffico – Meteo.It 07:59 Tg5 Mattina 09:10 Le Frontiere Dello Spirito 09:10 Le Frontiere Dello Spirito 09:45 Mondo Som- merso 11:10 Ciak Junior 12:00 Melaverde 13:00 Tg5 – Meteo.It 13:40 L'arca Di Noè 14:01 Un Marito Di Troppo 14:54 Tgcom – Meteo.It 16:25 Domenica Rewind 18:45 Caduta Libera 19:57 Tg5 Prima Pagina 20:00 Tg5 – Meteo.It 20:40 Paperissima Sprint 21:13 Il Segreto 22:30 Una Vita 23:10 Speciale Matrix 23:30 X-Style 00:50 Tg5 Notte – Meteo.It 01:35 Paperissima Sprint Estate ITALIA 1 06:00 Mediashopping 06:15 Better With You 06:40 Mediashopping 07:00 I Puffi 07:30 C'era Una Volta ... La Terra 08:00 The Jetsons 08:50 Wacky Races 09:00 Will Coyote 09:05 Speedy Gonzales E Duffy Duck 09:15 Looney Tunes Show 09:40 Looney Tunes Show 10:10 I Cesaroni 2 12:25 Studio Aperto – Meteo.It 13:05 Sport Mediaset 13:45 The Flash 14:35 Arrow 15:25 Supergirl 15:25 Supergirl 16:20 Forever 18:10 Tom & Jerry 18:15 Sarabanda 18:30 Studio Aperto – Meteo.It 19:00 Mr Bean 19:21 Gallo Cedrone 19:57 Tgcom – Meteo.It 21:20 Viaggi Di Nozze 22:17 Tgcom – Meteo.It 23:40 I 2 Soliti Idioti 00:48 Tgcom – Meteo. It 02:00 Magazine Champions League 02:56 Hannibal RETE 4 07:30 Tg4 Night News 07:50 Media Shopping 08:00 Tg4 Night News 08:05 Media Shopping 08:20 The Indestructibles 08:35 Media Shopping 08:50 Confes- sione Reporter Incontri 09:20 I Viaggi Del Cuore 10:00 S. Messa 10:50 I Viaggi Del Cuore 11:30 Tg4 – Meteo. It 12:02 Occhio Alla Perestrojka 12:57 Tgcom – Meteo.It 14:00 Dalla Parte Degli Ani- mali 14:32 L'isola 15:10 Tgcom – Meteo.It 16:54 Il Mio West 17:32 Tgcom – Meteo.It 18:50 An- teprima Tg4 18:55 Tg4 – Meteo.It 19:35 The Mysteries Of Laura 21:30 Oliver Twist 22:13 Tgcom – Meteo.It 23:05 Confessione Reporter Incontri 23:53 Falco – Zone D'ombra 00:30 Il Commissario Schumann - La Cosa Più Preziosa 01:40 Modamania RAI UNO 06:00 Rai Parlamento Punto Europa 06:30 Unomat- tina In Famiglia 07:00 Tg1 10:00 Easy Driver 10:30 A Sua Immagine 10:55 Santa Messa 12:00 Recita Dell'angelus 12:20 Linea Verde Domenica 13:30 Tg1 14:00 Con Il Cuore - Nel Nome Di Francesco 16:30 Tg1 - Che Tempo Fa 16:35 Supereori 17:30 Il Mistero Delle Lettere Perdute 18:45 Reazione A Catena 20:00 Tg1 20:30 World Cup 2018 European Qualifiers - Italia – Liechtenstein 22:50 Speciale Porta A Porta 00:45 Tg1 Notte - Che Tempo Fa 01:20 Sottovoce 01:50 Italiani RAI DUE 06:30 Rai Cultura Memex 07:00 Two and a Half Men 07:40 Guardia Costiera - Banda Sanguinaria 08:25 Heartland 09:55 La Nostra Amica Robbie 11:20 Un Ciclone In Convento 13:00 Tg2 Giorno 13:30 Tg2 Motori 13:40 Meteo 2 13:45 Sereno Variabile Estate 14:25 Delitti In Paradiso 15:30 The Coroner 17:00 Il Commissario Voss 18:00 Tg2 Flash L.I.S. 18:05 L'arte Del Dubbio 18:50 Squadra Speciale Cobra 11 20:30 Tg2 – 20.30 21:05 N.C.I.S. 22:35 Criminal Minds 23:15 Tg2 Speciale 23:30 Pole Position 23:40 Mondiale For- mula 1 2017 - Gp Canada: Gara 00:15 The Blacklist 00:50 Sorgente Di Vita 01:20 Un Giorno Devi Andare RAI TRE 06:00 Rainews24 - Meteo – Traffico 06:30 Rassegna Stampa Italiana E Internazionale 08:00 Zorro 08:30 Ponderosa - Vendetta O Giustizia 09:15 D-Day - I Giorni Decisivi 11:20 Community - L'altra Italia 12:00 Tg3 12:05 Tg3 Fuori Linea 12:10 Tg3 Persone 12:20 Meteo 3 12:25 Quante Storie 12:55 Tg3 L.I.S. 13:00 La Storia Del West - The American West 13:00 La Storia Del West - The American West 14:00 Tg Regione - Tg Regione Meteo 14:15 Tg3 14:30 In 1/2 H 15:00 In- vestigazione Letale 16:50 Perception 18:10 I Misteri Di Murdoch - In Onore Di Un Amico 18:55 Meteo 3 19:00 Tg3 19:30 Tg Regione - Tg Regione Meteo 20:00 Blob 20:10 I Dieci Comandamenti 21:05 Closed Circuit 22:50 Speciale Tg3 00:00 Tg3 Linea Notte 00:10 Tg Regione 01:00 Meteo 3 TELEVISION BBC ENTERTAINMENT 300 06:00 Gigglebiz 06:15 Mr Bloom's Nursery 06:35 Gig- glebiz 06:50 Antiques Roadshow 07:45 Doctors 08:10 Doctors 08:40 Doctors 09:10 Doctors 09:40 EastEnders 10:10 EastEnders 10:40 EastEnders 11:10 EastEnders 11:35 Antiques Roadshow 12:30 Antiques Roadshow 13:20 Bargain Hunt 14:05 Bargain Hunt 14:50 Doc- tor Who 15:35 Doctor Who 16:25 Antiques Roadshow 17:15 Bargain Hunt 18:00 Starlings 18:45 Starlings 19:30 Father Brown 20:15 Father Brown 21:00 Hustle 21:50 Silent Witness 22:45 Silent Witness 23:35 Doctor Who E! ENTERTAINMENT 306 06:00 Hollywood and Football: Ramily Matters 07:00 Hollywood & Football: Ramettes On The Road 08:00 Second Wives Club: Billionaire Matchmaker 09:00 Sec- ond Wives Club: Fightin' Words 10:00 WAGS: Miami: Put a Ring on It 11:00 WAGS: Miami: Ring Toss 12:00 WAGS: Miami: Girls Be Trippin' 13:00 Botched: Plastic Fantastic 14:00 Botched: Seeing Double 15:00 Second Wives Club: Billionaire Matchmaker 16:00 Second Wives Club: Fightin' Words 17:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Family Trippin' Part 2 18:00 Keeping Up With the Kar- dashians: Classic Cars and Vintage Eggs 19:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Decisions, Decisions 20:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians 21:00 Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry 22:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians 23:00 Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry FINE LIVING NETWORK 307 06:00 House Hunters 06:30 House Hunters 07:00 Giada at Home 07:30 Giada at Home 08:00 Healthy Gourmet 08:30 Healthy Gourmet 09:00 Killer Kitchen Makeover 09:30 Killer Kitchen Makeover 10:00 Going Yard 10:30 Going Yard 11:00 Tiny House, Big Living 11:30 Tiny House, Big Living 12:00 House Hunters 12:30 House Hunters 13:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 13:30 Beach- front Bargain Hunt 14:00 Platinum Weddings 14:30 Platinum Weddings 15:00 Tiny House, Big Living 15:30 Tiny House, Big Living 16:00 Daphne Dishes 16:30 Daphne Dishes 17:00 Mega Dens 17:30 Mega Dens 18:00 Island Life 18:30 Island Life 19:00 Giada in Italy 19:30 Giada in Italy 20:00 House Hunters 20:30 House Hunters 21:00 Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty 21:30 Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty 22:00 Vacation House for Free 23:00 World's Most Extreme Homes 23:30 World's Most Extreme Homes CBS REALITY 308 06:00 Judge Judy 06:25 Judge Judy 06:50 Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 07:40 Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 08:30 Amaz- ing Medical Stories 09:20 Babies: Special Delivery 10:10 Nurses 10:35 Nurses 11:00 Police Women of Broward County 11:50 Street Patrol 12:40 Donal MacIntyre: Un- solved 13:30 Judge Judy 13:55 Judge Judy 14:20 Judge Judy 14:45 Judge Judy 15:10 Judge Judy 15:35 Close Calls: On Camera 16:00 Ocean Patrol 16:25 Ocean Patrol 16:50 Ocean Patrol 17:15 Ocean Patrol 17:40 Medical Detectives 18:05 Medical Detectives 18:30 Street Patrol 19:20 Amazing Medical Stories 20:10 Police Women of Broward County 21:00 Cold Blood 21:50 Killer in the Family 22:40 Haunted Case Files 23:30 Cheaters ITV CHOICE 309 06:40 Who's Doing the Dishes? 07:35 This Is England '86 08:30 Jekyll and Hyde 09:25 Shoot the Messenger 10:25 Grantchester 11:40 Catchphrase 12:15 Surprise, Surprise 13:10 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 14:00 Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Animals - India 15:00 This Is England '86 15:55 Britain's Secrets with Anne Robinson 17:00 Surprise, Surprise 18:00 5-Star Family Reunion 18:45 Jekyll and Hyde 19:35 Britain's Secrets with Anne Robinson 20:35 This Is England '86 21:30 Shoot the Messenger 22:20 Safe House 23:10 Alphabetical TCM 310 06:20 Never So Few 08:20 White Heat 10:10 Action in the North Atlantic 12:15 A Day at the Races 14:00 Lust for Life 16:00 Anchors Aweigh 18:15 The Merry Widow 20:00 How the West Was Won 22:30 The Seventh Cross AMC CHANNEL 312 06:25 Speechless 08:05 Getting Even With Dad 09:50 Mosquito Squadron 11:20 Von Richthofen and Brown 12:55 Big Screen 13:10 Yours, Mine and Ours 14:40 A Family Thing 16:25 City Slickers 18:15 Toy Soldiers 20:00 Stir of Echoes 21:40 Zone Troopers 23:05 Throw Momma From the Train FOOD NETWORK HD 372 06:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 06:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 07:00 Chopped 08:00 Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics 08:30 Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics 09:00 The Pioneer Woman 09:30 The Pioneer Woman 10:00 Siba's Table: Fast Feasts 10:30 Siba's Table: Fast Feasts 11:00 Bake With Anna Olson 11:30 Bake With Anna Olson 12:00 Man Fire Food 12:30 Man Fire Food 13:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 13:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 14:00 Chopped 15:00 Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics 15:30 Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 16:30 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Siba's Table 17:30 Siba's Table 18:00 Bake With Anna Olson 18:30 Bake With Anna Olson 19:00 Man Fire Food 19:30 Man Fire Food 20:00 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 20:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 21:00 Rev Run's Sunday Sup- pers 21:30 Rev Run's Sunday Suppers 22:00 Dinner at Tiffani's 22:30 Dinner at Tiffani's 23:00 Chopped DISCOVERY CHANNEL 400 06:00 How Do They Do It? 06:25 Misfit Garage: Fired Up About a '67 Chevelle 07:15 Fast N' Loud: Demolition Theater: Turkey Day Disasters 08:10 Supercar Super- build: Aston Martin Vantage V12 S 09:05 Supertruckers: Episode 5 09:55 Rebel Gold: Chester Treasure 10:50 Gold Divers: Backseat Diver 11:40 Storage Hunters UK: Lewes 12:05 Storage Hunters UK: Oxfordshire 12:35 Baggage Battles: World War Score 13:00 Baggage Battles: Sin City Win 13:30 The Liquidator: On the Go: Jose em Down 13:55 The Liquidator: Hare Raising Deals 14:25 Dallas Car Sharks: Amazing Apache, Restless Renegade 14:50 Dallas Car Sharks: Pain in My Ash 15:20 Blowing Up His- tory: Great Wall of China 16:15 BattleBots 17:10 How It's Made: Dream Cars: Rolls-Royce Phantom 17:35 How It's Made: Dream Cars: Maserati Quattroporte 18:05 Ever- est Rescue: Do or Die 19:00 Made by Destruction: Brass Trumpets, Egg Cartons and Park Benches. 19:30 Made by Destruction: Prosthetic Hands, Countertops and Corn 20:00 Alaskan Bush People: Browntown Boom 21:00 Gold Rush: Miners vs. Beavers 22:00 Cooper's Treasure: The Hunt For A Secret Fortune: The Columbus Connection 23:00 Gold Divers: Hail Mary DISCOVERY SCIENCE 402 06:00 How Do They Do It? 06:26 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 07:14 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 08:02 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 08:50 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 09:38 Speed Junkie 10:26 Myth- Busters 11:14 MythBusters 12:02 MythBusters 12:50 MythBusters 13:38 MythBusters 14:26 Mission Asteroid 15:14 Asteroid Day Special 2016 16:02 Telescope 16:50 51 Degrees North 17:40 Strip the Cosmos 18:30 NASA's Unexplained Files 19:20 NASA's Unexplained Files 20:10 NASA's Unexplained Files 21:00 NASA's Unexplained Files 21:50 NASA's Unexplained Files 22:40 Food Fac- tory 23:05 Food Factory 23:30 Food Factory 23:55 Food Factory TLC 403 06:00 Cake Boss 06:25 Kitchen Boss 06:45 Cake Boss 07:10 Kitchen Boss 07:30 Cake Boss 07:55 Kitchen Boss 08:15 What If We Get Married? 09:05 Say Yes to the Dress Canada 09:30 Say Yes to the Dress Canada 10:00 Long Island Medium 10:25 Long Island Medium 10:55 Long Island Medium 11:20 Long Island Medium 11:50 Long Island Medium 12:15 Long Island Medium 12:45 Long Island Medium 13:10 Long Island Medium 13:40 2 Dudes & a Kitchen 14:05 2 Dudes & a Kitchen 14:35 Say Yes to the Dress 15:00 Say Yes to the Dress 15:30 Say Yes to the Dress 15:55 Say Yes to the Dress 16:25 My Ex- treme Excess Skin 17:20 My 600-Lb. Life 19:10 Married by Mum and Dad 20:05 What If We Get Married? 21:00 Say Yes to the Dress Canada 21:25 Say Yes to the Dress Canada 21:55 Strange Attractions 22:20 Strange Attrac- tions 22:50 Body Bizarre 23:45 I'm Married to A... ANIMAL PLANET 405 06:00 Gorilla School 06:25 Lone Star Law 07:15 The Lion Queen 08:10 Wild Ones 08:35 Wild Ones 09:05 The Dog Rescuers 10:00 Wildest Africa 10:55 Animal Cops Miami 11:50 The Lion Queen 12:45 The Lion Queen 13:40 The Lion Queen 14:35 Preposterous Pets 15:30 Preposterous Pets 16:25 Preposterous Pets 17:20 Deadly Islands 18:15 Lone Star Law 19:10 Pit Bulls and Parolees 20:05 Lone Star Law 21:00 Deadly Islands 21:55 Tanked 22:50 Tanked 23:45 The Lion Queen NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 406 06:00 Supercar Megabuild: Audi R8 Drifter 07:00 Super- car Megabuild: Le Mans Maserati 08:00 Supercar Mega- build: Sub Zero Porsche 09:00 Brain Games: Meet the Brain 10:00 Brain Games: The God Brain 11:00 Genius: Einstein: Chapter Four 12:00 Genius: Einstein: Chapter Five 13:00 Genius: Genius: Chapter Six 14:00 Danube: Europe's Amazon: From the Black Forest to the Black Sea 15:00 Danube: Europe's Amazon: Forest, Flood and Frost 16:00 Apocalypse: World War I: Rage 17:00 Apocalypse: World War I: Deliverance 18:00 Dawn of the Nazis: Be- coming Hitler 19:00 Genius: Genius: Chapter Six 20:00 Genius: Einstein: Chapter Seven 21:00 Breakthrough: Cyber Terror 22:00 Original Sin: How Sex Changed the World: Sex Ed Wars 23:00 Genius: Genius: Chapter Six NAT GEO WILD 407 06:00 Wild Menu 06:24 Wild Menu 06:50 Original Fight Club 07:37 Animals of the Year 08:26 Wild Australia: Kangaroo Kingdom 09:16 Wild Congo 10:05 Ice Bear 10:53 Animals of the Year 11:42 Original Fight Club 12:26 Battle of the Swamp Dragons 13:17 Animal Re- cord Breakers 14:04 Pride — Rulers at Risk 14:51 Pride — Rulers at Risk 15:37 Africa's Creative Killers 16:24 Af- rica's Creative Killers 17:11 Africa's Creative Killers 18:00 Wild Argentina 18:48 Savage Kingdom 19:37 Wild Aus- tralia: Kangaroo Kingdom 20:26 Wild Argentina 21:15 Savage Kingdom 22:03 Europe's Wild Islands 22:52 Planet Carnivore: Perfect Killers 23:41 Wild Argentina TRAVEL CHANNEL 410 06:00 House Hunters International 06:30 House Hunters International 07:00 House Hunters International 07:30 House Hunters International 08:00 House Hunters Inter- national 08:30 House Hunters International 09:00 Hotel Impossible 10:00 Flippin' RVs 11:00 Texas Flip and Move 12:00 Building Alaska 13:00 Building Alaska 14:00 Alaska Off the Grid 15:00 Rev. Run's Renovation 15:30 Rev. Run's Renovation 16:00 The Vanilla Ice Project 16:30 The Vanilla Ice Project 17:00 Flippin' RVs 18:00 Hotel Impossible 19:00 Texas Flip and Move 20:00 Mys- teries at the Museum 21:00 Airshow 22:00 Alaska Off the Grid 23:00 Expedition Unknown LIFETIME 411 08:00 Judge Judy: $15,000 Property Loss?; Stolen Iden- tity or Bitter Father? 08:30 Judge Judy: Assaulted by a Parrot!; Bike and Car Collision 09:00 Judge Judy: Clean and Sober Suit; Criminal or Justified 09:30 Judge Judy: Hostile Defendant Thrown Out of Court!; 1961 Comet Custody 10:00 Judge Judy: Abusive Dog Owner?; God- daughter Beware!; Redecorating Disaster 10:30 Judge Judy: Take the Bar Fight Outside 11:00 My Ghost Story: Caught on Camera: Church of Darkness 12:00 My Ghost Story: Caught on Camera: Damnation Plantation 13:00 My Ghost Story: Caught on Camera 14:00 Dance Moms: Now You See Abby, Now You Don't 15:00 Dance Moms: Abby's Replaceable 16:00 Dance Moms: Abby's New Fa- vorites 17:00 Dance Moms: Debbie Allen to the Rescue 18:00 Judge Judy: Camel Race Injuries; Bad Tenant? 18:30 Judge Judy: Grieving Teen Assault; Barking Dog Threat 19:00 Judge Judy: Housemate Harassment; Child Support Fight 19:30 Judge Judy: Motorcycle Mayhem; Unwed Parents Fight; Make a Decision! 20:00 Man vs. Child: Chef Showdown: Stop the Bull! 21:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Stronger Than Ever 22:00 Amish Witches: The True Story of Holmes County 23:45 Little Women: LA: Bringing Sexy Back HISTORY 412 06:00 Pawn Stars: Penny for Your Pawn 06:20 Pawn Stars: Pawn Creature 06:40 Pawn Stars: Presidential Pawn 07:00 Pawn Stars: Avengers Assemble 07:20 Pawn Stars: Behind the Wheel 07:45 Pawn Stars: Locked and Loaded 08:10 Pawn Stars: Pawn of the Jedi 08:35 Pawn Stars: Crossing Chum 09:00 Storage Wars: Mo' Money, Mo' Valley 09:30 Storage Wars: Downtown Lock- ers and Uptown Dreams 10:00 Storage Wars: Lock, Stock and One Smoking Darrell 10:30 Storage Wars: Rene Abides 11:00 Forged in Fire: Butterfly Swords 12:00 Forged in Fire: The Falcata 13:00 Forged in Fire: Kora Sword 14:00 The Weapon Hunter: Frankengun 15:00 The Weapon Hunter: Big Bad B-25 16:00 The Weapon Hunter: Pearl Harbor Payback 17:00 The Weapon Hunter: World's Fastest Gun 18:00 Pawn Stars: Wound Up Rick 18:30 Pawn Stars: Houston, We Have a Deal 19:00 Pawn Stars: Hidden Pawn 19:30 Pawn Stars: Lock, Stock, and Pawn 20:00 Pawn Stars: Break on Through 20:30 Pawn 02:56 – Hannibal – Italia 1

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