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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 11 JUNE 2017 39 who makes it his task to treat Barbara, only to abandon her in the end. This journey strings the viewer along on a fluid trajectory, across beach fronts to aquari- ums and water walls, by way of people who drown and children who spit. It is also a film that is continuously opening up passageways into classical tragedy, where the delirious verses of an Alzheimer's-ridden former actress (Hanna Schygulla) echo Antigone, which is in turn bol- stered by its focus on the battle between moral law and institutional law waged by the junkie Chicano, in the resolute scream by our protago- nist – not incidentally delivered in a setting that recalls a Greek theatre. Fortunata is a moving story that hits home and entertains along the way but at the same time, leaves the viewer wondering whether some of its final outcomes could have been a little less forced, a little less melodramatic... if things could not have turned out a little better for our protagonist – even if it would all have been make believe: a bit of freedom to enjoy over a single afternoon. Fortunata will inaugurate the third edition of the Valletta Film Festival, with a screening tak- ing place at Pjazza Teatru Rjal, Valletta on June 16 at 20:45. For more information and bookings, log on to ★ ★ WANDERING ★ WOUNDED LOCAL heartthrob Davide Tucci, hilari- ous comedian Chris Dingli, and the ma- jestic voice of Doreen Galea are but a few of the big names to premiere in Balzu- netta Towers – the cabaret of the Malta Arts Festival. AMONGST the voices jazzing up Domi- nic Galea's tuneful music are viral star Ozzy Lino, Josef Camileri from Xarulu', Justin Galea of KażinaSka fame, and the very talented Mariele Żammit. Theatre veterans Michael Mangion, Peter Busut- til, Antonella Axisa, Bryan Manning, Ma- nuel Cutajar, Manual Cassar and many more will also feature in the show. More- over, dance professor Jo Butterworth will be choreographing the dancers, re- nowned cartoonist Seb Tanti Burlo' will be designing the set and veteran designer Adrian Mamo will be designing the cos- tumes amongst other creatives who will be colouring the show. THERE is quite a hype for Balzunetta Towers, which will premiere in a month's time. Commissioned by the Valletta 2018 Foundation and making part of the Malta Arts Festival 2017, Balzunetta Towers is a contemporary theatrical cabaret. The original show treats one of Malta's most flagrant well-kept secrets – Balzunetta – known by many as Strait Street's naugh- tier, queerer sister, albeit in Floriana. Ironically, Balzunetta was surrounded by the Curia's seminary, the Police Head- quarters and the Army Barracks. In fact, commissioned local researchers have unearthed some spine-tingling memoirs and glamorous tales surrounding Balzu- netta. Many would agree that these in- famous stories deserve a proper artistic treatment. This contemporary rendition is an exciting opportunity to showcase the stories of one of Malta's most outra- geous spaces during some of the islands' most gripping epochs. On top of this, these stories will be juxtaposed with pre- sent realities. THE theatrical cabaret will feature an original score by renowned Jazz Maestro Dominic Galea, whose family was born and bred in Balzunetta. The story, the satire and the comedy are penned by one of Malta's literary stalwarts, Alfred Sant and songs will be lyricized by leading poet Albert Marshall. The work of these heav- yweights is being produced and directed by another house-hold name, theatre- maker Sean Buhagiar, who will ensure a fresh take on the notorious Balzunetta myth. PJAZZA Teatru Rjal will get a nostalgic make-over and turn into a spectacular cabaret stage featuring a live orchestra and some of Malta's finest voices, actors and dancers, ensuring a wildly enter- taining artistic experience and a sum- mer night to remember. For the first time ever, the stalls will be transformed into cabaret-style tables. These will host the gold tickets, holders of which will be hosted with flowing wine, appetizers and a given a free cast recording CD Album. THE show is in Maltese with English sur- titles and will run during July 11-16 at Pjazza Teatru Rjal. Silver and Gold Tick- ets are available from www.balzunetta- or 2122 3216 call This Week Pjazza Teatru Rjal gets a nostalgic transformation for Balzunetta Towers – a cabaret production penned by Alfred Sant for the Malta Arts Festival on 'Strait Street's naughtier sister' Malta's 'naughtiest cabaret' gets underway for a July premiere

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