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illum 4 February 2018

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14 illum | Il-Ħadd 04 ta' Frar 2018 LMEP tal-Partit Nazzjonalista David Casa qed jittama li titneħħa l-liċenzja tal-bank Pilatus, hekk kif il-ġurnal The Guardian irrappurtat li l-Awtorità Bankarja Ewropea (EBA) qed tinvestiga dan il-bank f 'Ta' Xbiex, li kien fiċ-ċentru ta' numru ta' allegazzjonijiet u rapporti ta' delegazzjonijiet li żaru Malta fix-xhur li għaddew. Mal-ILLUM, Casa enfasizza li qabel ma talab li jsiru investigazzjonjiet mill- istituzzjonijiet Ewropej, kien talab lill-MFSA sabiex din l-awtorità tinvestiga l-liċenzja tal-bank Pilatus, biex fi kliemu ma tibqax issir ħsara lis- settur tas-servizzi finanzjarji f 'pajjiżna. Fil-jiem li għaddew, il- Guardian irrapporta kif l-EBA qed twettaq inkjesta preliminari fuq il-bank Pilatus wara talbiet li sarulha mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea u l-Parlament Ewropew. Il- ġurnalista Daphne Caruana Galizia, li nqatlet b'karozza bomba fis-16 ta' Ottubru li għadda, kienet tikteb frekwentament fuq dan il- bank. Wara l-konklużjonijiet tar-rapport tad-delegazzjoni tal-MEPs li ġew Malta f 'Diċembru biex jistħarrġu s-saltna tad-dritt f 'pajjiżna, l-EBA, li twettaq monitoraġġ tal-integrità tas-settur bankarju Ewropew, intalbet li tagħmel evalwazzjoni tal-MFSA. L-MEPs kienu kkonkludew li għandu jiġi mistħarreġ jekk l-MFSA hix ħielsa minn kull forma ta' pressjoni sabiex twettaq dmirijietha. David Casa qal mal- ILLUM li kieku l-MFSA u l-Ministru tal-Finanzi ta' pajjiżna aġixxew mill-ewwel, ma kellniex għalfejn naslu s'hawn. Qal li iżda kellhom ikunu l-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej li jiddefendu lill- poplu Malti u Għawdxi, għaliex l-istituzzjonijiet Maltin huma maħtufa mill-Gvern. Casa sostna wkoll li għandna sitwazzjoni fejn ġie espost kif l-FIAU hija portavuċi tal-Gvern u aktar interessata li taħbi l-evidenza dwar il- korruzzjoni fost il-politiċi milli li tinvestiga allegazzjonijiet serji ta' ħasil tal-flus. Għada iżda, fil-Parlament se titressaq mozzjoni għall-ewwel qari biex jiġi emendat l-Att dwar l-MFSA. Dan tħabbar mis-Segretarju Parlamentari Silvio Schembri, li sostna kif dan il-pass se jwassal biex jingħata bidu għal bidliet sinifikanti li se jgħinu fit-tisħiħ tal-awtorità. Aħbarijiet Liam Carter PRELIMINARY MARKET CONSULTATION The Gozo Channel Group ('Gozo Channel') wishes to participate in the competitive tender process issued by the Maltese Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects for a Public Service Concession Contract for the Provision of Passenger and Vehicle Ferry Services Between Malta and Gozo (the 'Tender'). The Tender was published on 26 January 2018 on the Maltese Government's e-Tenders website and the procurement documentation is available on: In accordance with the Tender, the awardee of the Tender is required to provide conventional ferry services between Ċirkewwa (Malta) and Mġarr (Gozo), fast ferry services between Valletta (Malta) and Mġarr (Gozo) as public service obligations and is also requested to provide Concessionaire Additional Services (as defined in the Tender) with the fast ferry/ies between municipalities in Malta (including between municipalities in Malta and / or Gozo, or municipalities in Gozo and Malta but excluding and points of call within the Grand Harbour). Gozo Channel is the incumbent economic operator for the provision of conventional ferry services, and it therefore has the necessary experience, expertise and resources to provide those services. Gozo Channel is looking for a partner with whom to submit the bid for the Tender (the 'Partner') which has the necessary experience, expertise or resources to provide fast ferry services (and the Concessionaire Additional Services). Any interested party is expected to prove to Gozo Channel that it is in a position to meet the applicable specifications, requirements and criteria applicable to the fast ferry services as required by the Tender. The Partner is expected to commit exclusively to Gozo Channel's bid and it may not submit its own bid, participate as a member in a third party joint venture, consortium or other economic association, or accept to be named as a sub-contractor in a third party's bid. Gozo Channel will be the lead member of any commercial arrangement reached with the Partner on submitting the bid. Any interested parties who would be open to form an exclusive commercial arrangement with Gozo Channel for the submission of the bid for the Tender are requested to express their interest by sending an e-mail to by not later than 1700hrs CET of the 23 February 2018. Interested parties are to provide details of: • The vessel/s which will be made available for the provision of fast ferry services pursuant to the Tender together with a valid commercial vessel operating license (CVOL) and commercial vessel certificate (CVC) in accordance with Commercial Vessels Regulations (Subsidiary Legislation 499.23); and • Confirmation that (each of) the vessel/s proposed specifically comply with each and every one of the minimum specifications listed in Annex 2 Document B of the Tender. The interested party is required to specifically confirm and, where necessary, provide a detailed explanation and any other relevant information on the manner that each and every one of the 21 minimum specifications listed in Annex 2 Document B shall be satisfied; • Proposals on the Concessionaire Additional Services to be offered in accordance with Clause 2.6 and Annex 1A of the Tender; • The type/s of commercial arrangement/s which the interested party would be willing to participate in. After a past preliminary market study, Gozo Channel is looking favourably at a time charter arrangement with the prospective partner, and therefore, interested parties are invited to submit a specific proposal on that prospect along with any alternative commercial arrangements. Gozo Channel will not be in a position to access any submissions made by interested parties before 1700hrs CET of the 23 February 2018. This Preliminary Market Consultation is independent from any previous consultation carried out by Gozo Channel and any interested parties who applied to form an exclusive commercial arrangement with Gozo Channel on the basis of any previous consultation should re-apply in accordance with the terms hereof. Any queries in relation to this preliminary market consultation are to be sent to eoiqueries@ by not later than 1700hrs CET of the 9 February 2018. The prospective Partner will be expected to reach an agreement with the Gozo Channel Group prior to the submission of the bid for the Tender by the Gozo Channel Group. Il-bank Pilatus investigat mill-Awtorità Bankarja Ewropea • Mal-ILLUM David Casa jgħid li l-MFSA imissha ilha li investigat • Nhar it-Tnejn se titressaq mozzjoni għal emenda fl -Att tal-MFSA

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