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MW 7 February 2018

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maltatoday WEDNESDAY 7 FEBRUARY 2018 Sport 23 FOOTBALL Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Wednesday WEATHER: Fine VISIBILITY: Good WIND: West Southwest force 6 becoming West Northwest force 3 to 4 overnight SEA: Rough SWELL: Low East Southeast A B C D E F G H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 White to play and mate in four moves A B C D E F G H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Last week's solution Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. PARTLY CLOUDY 17 º C /11 º C UV INDEX: 2 Today's Weather Chess Sudoku Pursuits Across 1. Invaluable (9) 8. Smith's block (5) 9. Punctuation mark (5) 10. Breathe out (6) 12. Make indistinct (4) 14. Belonging to us (4) 15. Pines for (6) 17. Directed a light (5) 18. Gaze fixedly (5) 20. Principal angel (9) Down 2. Revolution (3) 3. Icily (6) 4. Good fortune (4) 5. Having a resemblance (7) 6. Horse bred for racing (9) 7. Lawyer (9) 11. Place of shelter (7) 13. Individual (6) 16. Yes (4) 19. Part of verb to be (3) Qg6+ Ke7 d6# (Qe6#) Poignant ceremonies mark 60th anniversary of Munich air crash THOUSANDS of people turned out for memorial ceremonies in Manchester and Munich on Tuesday to mark the 60th anniversary of the air disas- ter which killed eight of the Manchester United team of the day. The eight players, stars in a glory-chasing side known as the Busby Babes, were among 23 people killed when the plane carrying them home from a European Cup match in Belgrade crashed in wintry weather during a refuelling stop at the Munich-Riem Air- port on Feb.6, 1958. Three club staff members, eight journalists, two crew members and two other pas- sengers also died. In a poignant echo of the treacherous conditions that prevailed that day, heavy snow fell at United's Old Trafford ground as Sir Bobby Charlton, 80, and Harry Gregg, 85, - players who both survived the crash - joined the club's cur- rent first team, manager Jose Mourinho and thousands of fans in a tribute to the victims. Former manager Sir Alex Ferguson, club director Mi- chael Edelson and executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward all delivered readings, before a minute's silence was held at 1504 GMT - the time of the crash. "It was very fitting. A beau- tiful service. Powerful, emo- tional," club captain Michael Carrick told MUTV. "For me, it was emotional sitting next to Sir Bobby and coming to terms with what he's been through. It was tough but a pleasure to be part of." In Munich, club ambassador Denis Irwin joined an esti- mated 3,000 United fans for a ceremony and a two-min- ute silence at the scene of the crash. Two commemorative plaques were also unveiled, British media reported. United, known as the 'Busby Babes' after manager Sir Matt Busby, were one of the most successful sides in Europe at the time of the disaster: they had just qualified for the sem- ifinals of the European Cup and were chasing a third con- secutive league title at home at the time of the crash. Seven of the 'Babes' - Geoff Bent, Roger Byrne, Eddie Colman, Mark Jones, David Pegg, Tommy Taylor and Billy Whelan - died at the scene, while the prodigiously tal- ented 21-year-old Duncan Ed- wards succumbed to his inju- ries 15 days later. Gregg, the team's goalkeeper, escaped the crash with only minor injuries but returned to the wreckage to pull other survivors to safety, including teammates Dennis Violett and Charlton and his badly hurt manager Busby. Gregg continued playing but left United in 1966, while Charlton also resumed his ca- reer and formed part of Bus- by's rebuilt side, which won the European Cup in 1968. Two German-led inquiries initially blamed the captain of the plane for the crash but a subsequent British investiga- tion cleared him of wrongdo- ing and concluded slush on the runway had been the cause. Street name 'Manchesterplatz' is pictured during a memorial service marking 60 years since Manchester United plane crash in Munich, Germany

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