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maltatoday SUNDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2018 This Week 43 Last week an all-star cast was announced for Raymond "Fight" Beck, the next production by the newly founded Teatru Malta in association with Spazju Kreattiv, and Andre Mangion through the support of the Malta Arts Fund. Penned by Mangion himself, Raymond "Fight" Beck deals with the local boxing scene, though this only serves as a backdrop to the play's overarching drama. "It gets you laughing, but also throws punches at you. In the end, Mangion's story is set to leave au- diences gasping for air and begging for one last punch," said Sean Bu- hagiar, the production's director, who also serves as the Artistic Di- rector of Teatru Malta. The original piece is ultimately not just a play about the unequivo- cal sportsmanship displayed be- tween the two protagonist box- ers from Żejtun; it's a production about life and the trials and tribu- lations that come with it. Framed around nail-biting rounds in the ring, this is a story of the tension between social classes, corruption and a lot more. Mangion's script delves deep into both the past and present of his characters, with the box- ing ring serving as their pulpit to vent blood, sweat and tears. "This story has been a long time coming but it was all worth it. It's a bit like training. You train, and train, until you're better than you could have ever imagined. I hope the audi- ence loves it as much as I do. That would be our victory," Mangion said. Established local actor John Montanaro will take on the lead role of Raymond while local heart- throb Davide Tucci plays his oppo- nent Dyson Cumbo – the show's antagonist. To prepare for the role with adequate physicality and to lend realism to the play, the duo of actors have been training with pro- fessional boxer Super Steve Martin for some months. AUDITIONS for the World Youth Choir and the EuroChoir summer sessions are being held on 14th Feb- ruary at the Music Room of Spazju Kreattiv at St James Cavalier, Valletta from 17:00. The auditions, which are being organised in partnership with Arts Council Malta, are open for sing- ers aged between 17 and 26 (until July 1, 2018) for the World Youth Choir, and 18 to 30 for the EuroChoir. The World Youth Choir (WYC) is a notable educational and social ex- perience of the highest artistic level, aimed at talented young singers aspir- ing to be professional choral singers or soloists. The 2018 summer session, this year supported by the Inner Mon- golia Bureau of National Art Troupes, will take place between July 4 and 25, with a rehearsal session in Hohhot, and a concert tour in Inner Mongolia, Beijing, and Guizhou province. The tour will end with the choir singing at the opening ceremony of China's 14th International Chorus Festival in Beijing. The conductors for this year's session will be Helene Stureborg and Jonathan Velasco. The WYC organisers are looking for young, talented, experienced singers from all over the world, interested in improving their vocal skills in an en- semble environment. If you are a pas- sionate and experienced high-level choral singer or soloist, have basic or professional music education, are ex- cited to meet new friends all around the world, are eager to learn in a mul- ticultural environment, are ready to spend nearly one month with great people don't hesitate to apply for the 2018 session audition. EuroChoir is a unique choral event organized by the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat in coop- eration with a local partner every year in a different country. Initiated by AGEC in 1982, EuroChoir offers the opportunity to 60 young singers to get together for eight days to rehearse a challenging program with two re- nowned conductors (who this year will be Maria van Nieukerken and Mikko Sidoroff), improve their vocal skills with a vocal trainer and present the results of their work in public concerts. This special choir project aims to promote European choral music among young singers and to encourage cultural exchange within Europe. This year the dates are from July 19 to August 1, with the session being held in Finland and Estonia. Those interested should send an email to Joseph Lia on joseph.c.lia@ by February 12, noon to receive further info and the music material for the auditions Boxing drama hits Spazju Kreattiv Unique opportunity for young singers FOR its 18th edition, the Eden Comedy Club will be featuring three UK-based acts, with a show taking place at Eden Cin- emas on February 23 at 20:30. Audiences are in for treat, with the headline act Damian Kingsley. Stylistically, Damian tells punchy, joke-packed sto- ries and shorter anecdotes rooted in his personal experi- ence. His persona shifts from cheeky and personable to irri- table, deadpan and is, at times, "borderline sociopathic". This unique mix of traits has led to a strong and distinctive comic voice. In 2016 he did a 120 gig tour with no money or trans- port, from Land's End to Edin- burgh for the bad housing and homelessness charity, Shelter, raising over £17,000. Irish comic/actor Conor Drum, will also be taking the stage. Conor has appeared on both the RTÉ and the BBC's New Comedy Awards, and has performed around the world, from Barcelona to Los Angeles. He has received raving reviews describing him as a "A skilled raconteur" (Mumble Comedy) with "Very shrewd observa- tional humour" (Broadway- Last but not least is MC Mat- thew Baylis. Matthew has trav- elled the globe with his own unique brand of unashamedly middle class comedy, sharing stories of growing up and get- ting old in the leafy suburbs of middle England. As a father of six he draws much of his hu- mour from tales of parenthood which ring true with audiences of all ages. With more than half a decade on the comedy circuit Matthew has gigged with some of the best from the UK com- edy circuit, including Harry Hill, Milton Jones, Andy Par- sons, and many others. Doors open at 19:30. Book- ings: or call on 23710400. The event is supported by Waterbiscuit Raymond "Fight" Beck is an early opening salvo from the Teatru Malta initiative – staged at Spazju Kreattiv between March 10 and 18 Damian Kingsley Raymond "Fight" Beck will be staged at Spazju Kreattiv at St James Cavalier, Valletta between March 10 to 18. Directed by Sean Buhagiar for a Teatru Malta production, the play's cast also includes Lilian Pace Vassallo, Philip Mizzi, Peter Galea, It-Triccas, Hector Bruno, Kim, Dalli Ray Abdilla and Toni Busuttil. Bookings:, 2122 3200 John Montanaro and Davide Tucci in Raymond "Fight" Beck Photo by Zvezdan Reljic Eden Comedy Club caps off carnival month Uncovering Birgu's secrets Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar organises walking tour of Birgu on February 16 Birgu was the maritime city that welcomed the Order of the Knights of St John in 1530. From a small, humble seaside village, it was to become the headquar- ters of the Order's fleet till 1798, embellished by buildings like the Knights' auberges and the Inquisitor's palace. The city was to continue to build on its maritime heritage throughout the stay of the Brit- ish. Now the streets of Birgu are replete with fascinating stories and unique architectural her- itage that spans the centuries from medieval styles to the pre- sent day. A walking tour by local urban and rural heritage NGO Flimk- ien ghal Ambjent Ahjar will help participants to learn about the various historical periods that left an impact on the streetscape of Birgu, hear about some of its illustrious sons, as well as other stories which make Birgu such a special place to visit. The meeting point for the walk will be 19:00 at the Couvre Porte, Birgu (War Museum Gate) on February 16. Bookings: https:// More information on FAA's work and how to become a member: www. Conor Drum Matthew Baylis

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