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MT 4 March 2018

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13 maltatoday SUNDAY 4 MARCH 2018 News fast. There was no holding back on employment of teachers, nurses and LSAs in the last legislature but along with these came the jobs for the boys and girls. Muscat's redeeming factor is the expanding economy, which partly justifies the growth in public ser- vice employment. Whether it is being done in a correct way is an- other matter altogether. Wasteserv-gate serves to outline how politicians succumb to the temptation of dispensing jobs and favours. It is a malaise that dogs Maltese politics and one which few people in either of the major political parties can lecture the other side about. JAMES DEBONO A Gozo mobile kiosk was granted a permit for tables and chairs in breach of the outside catering rules. The outside catering establish- ment policy was approved in 2015 and banned new kiosks from set- ting up tables and chairs outside. But one mobile kiosk at Hondoq ir- Rummien was granted the permit, even though Transport Malta had warned the application was against policy back in November 2017. Curiously, the Planning Authority case officer – who actually called for the refusal of the permit – made no reference to the latest policy, and in- stead cited an older policy on kiosks dating back to 1994. The case officer asked the PA's planning commission to refuse the permit due to the negative impact on the surrounding area, specifically by 'enhancing' an "approved com- mercial area in Outside Develop- ment Zone". The Planning Commission still approved the Hondoq seating area, valid only between May and Octo- ber, saying it would cause no visual intrusion since the tables and chairs are located between two existing structures. Compounding the decision is the fact that the kiosk itself was approved in 2016 despite a nega- tive recommendation by the case officer. Kiosk gets outside seating permit in breach of PA policy "It appears that obtaining a government job has remained an aspiration for many people and a favour politicians dispense quite willingly" lecturing whom?

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