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maltatoday SUNDAY 4 MARCH 2018 This Week 35 WHAT'S ON directed by Denise Mulhol- land, with music and lyrics by Luke Saydon held at the Manoel Theatre, Valletta and performed by Teatru Manoel Youth Thea- tre (TMYT). Gus Nightingale is a little boy from a very fa- mous musical family, but when his mother dies, all music is banned from his house. After he is dreadfully humiliated by The Maestro, Gus decides the safest option is to stop speaking and singing - in effect to HUSH! One day, Gus passes the old music shop and finds it open. Inside, he finds a girl called Clementine Pickles. Clementine shows Gus how it is possible to play beau- tiful music even on broken in- struments but as Gus is leaving, an evil stranger enters the shop, locks Clementine in a cello case, steals her voice & a precious ba- ton! This evil stranger uses the baton to extract sounds from everyone and everything, leav- ing the world a completely silent place. A hush has fallen. A plan unfolds. A voice is forgotten... Show times: 18:00 (March 17); 15:00 and 18:00 (March 18); 10:00 and 12:00 (March 19). The event is organised in collabo- ration with the Valletta 2018 Foundation. MARCH 22 Lampemusa Concert at Maori Bar, Valletta at 19:30. Three and a half years after taking part in the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festi- val, singer-songwriter and activ- ist Giacomo Sferlazzo returns to Malta. Performed dozens of times in Italy and across Europe, LAMPEMUSA sings and nar- rates the history of an island all too often misrepresented and misunderstood. Stories of colo- nisation, fishing and the sponge trade, deforestation, past and contemporary migrations, 1980s Libyan missiles, militarisation and resistance... And the stories of revolutionaries Peppino and Vittorio, blue-eyed Alì, and of Adelina, the last midwife to have lived on Lampedusa. For the past generation, nobody is born on the island any more. Entrance is against a donation to Askavu- sa Lampedusa. MARCH 24 Zion Opening Party Opening party of Zion Reggae Bar, St Thomas Bay, Marsascala from 20:30. A night of strictly reggae, Earthrocker, Freedom Fighters, DJ Onns & Johshanty will be spinning sweet reggae tunes for those on the dance- f loor. THEATRE MARCH 9-11; 16, 17 En Folkefiende – An Enemy of the People Unifaun Theatre production of Brad Birch's adaptation of Ibsen's An Enemy of the People at Blue Box, M Space, Msida at 20:00. Directed by Toni Attard. Cast includes Mikhail Basmadjian, Anthony Ellul, Simone Spiteri, Antonella Axisa, Victor Debono, Philip Leone Ganado, Jean Marc Agius Cafa and Raquel Theuma. Bookings: MARCH 10 Brightclub meets Theatre Get Your Act Together is join- ing forces with the festival team behind Science in the City, Mal- ta and will be presenting the first ever collaboration in Bright Club Meets Theatre. This com- bination of theatre reading and science stand-up comedy will be taking place at The Royal British Legion Bar, Melita Street, Val- letta from 17:00 onwards. The night will incorporate a mixture of science comedy and theatre readings in this first-of-its-kind event. Entrance to the play read- ings is free of charge. Tickets cost €9 for the Big Van Comedy Show at 8pm. Anyone watching the science comedy show after having watched the readings, may do so at a discounted price of €7. BOOK FESTIVAL MARCH 21-23 Campus Book Festival Annual edition of the Campus Book Festival at University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq. The publish- ers and distributors participat- ing in the festival are BDL, EDE Books, Faraxa Books, Horizons, Midsea Books, Pjattaforma and Sensiela Kotba Soċjalisti (SKS). These publishers and distributors will be selling their books at their stand and will be organising their own book launch events. The special guest this year is Jasmin B. Frelih, the Slovenian author whose novel Na/Pol (In/Half ) earned him the European Prize for Literature in 2016. He will be joining us on Campus for special events scheduled on each of the three days, with a creative writ- ing workshop on March 21, a dis- cussion with Maltese writer and poet Immanuel Mifsud on Slove- nian literature on March 22, and a interview with Noel Tanti on March 23. On Friday afternoon, Inizjamed will be contributing an Open Mic session featuring Frelih. The festival will close on Friday night with live music by Cryptic Street and Fuzzhoneys. Opening times and dates are: March 21 and 22 (09:00–16:00); March 23 March (09:00 till late). The Festival is open to all, free of charge. RING-ROAD RACING MARCH 11 University of Malta Ring Road Races Sunday 11 March will mark the 7th edition of this annual road running event, in aid of Hospice Malta. The University races date back to as early as the 80s when University students would gather on the ring road for a showdown of the fittest. Fast-forward 30 years or so and the races have come a long way. Last year was the biggest event yet and managed to raise €3,150 for Hospice Malta! This year the organisers have already raised almost €1,500 and are definitely planning to break the standing record. As always, there are a lot of surprises in store. Appli- cations close on Wednesday 7 March. Krishna will be performing at Kewn Records Showcase 001 Giacomo Sferlazzo performs at Lampemusa

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