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51 Events maltatoday SUNDAY 4 MARCH 2018 Plan your summer with Festivals Malta FROM world music, to Maltese folk song, to artistic performances and smooth jazz, Festivals Malta has proudly launched four varied festi- vals to be held across the summer months. Adding to the island's Capital of Culture celebrations will be four grand festivals, namely: the Malta World Music Festival, Għanafest, the Malta International Arts Festi- val and the Malta Jazz Festival. While each festival boasts its idi- osyncratic attractions, the four fes- tivals find common ground in one of the primary aims behind them – which is to increase local audi- ences. All four also bring to fruition Festivals Malta's vision of nurtur- ing creativity, professionalism, par- ticipation and cultural education in festivals of the performing arts. The season opens with the Malta World Music Festival (MWMF), on 18 and 19 May, which will be held in the stunning Fort St Elmo. Un- der the artistic direction of Renzo Spiteri, the festival has become an important addition to the country's national cultural calendar as it cel- ebrates the beauty of cultural diver- sity, the exchange and dialogue of people's roots and the vitality that is borne out of such experiences and expressed through the power- ful medium of music. This year's line-up promises to impress, fea- turing the likes of Afro Celt Sound System, The Refugees for Refugees Band, and Cushion, to name a few. Malta's folk music heritage is given deserved attention thanks to Għanafest, which will be held on 22 and 23 June at Argotti Botanic Gardens, Floriana. In addition to serving as a platform for local folk musicians to perform għana – Mal- tese folk song – the festival is also a fairground for local bands and art- ists as well as foreign bands from Mediterranean countries, all cele- brating the Mediterranean identity On the culinary aspect, this festival also offers its patrons a delectable gastronomical experience. Site-specific curation, music, visual arts, theatre, dance, opera, installations, films, community projects, interactive and participa- tory events, are just some of the various highlights of the Malta International Arts Festival, which opens on 29 June. Highlights of this festival include the grand concert by the world-famous Royal Con- cergebouw Orchestra at the Ma- noel Theatre on 1 July and the liter- ally gravity defying Aria by Italian dance company No Gravity at the Manoel Theatre on 8 July. Cool jazz and breezy tunes will waft through the air from 16 to 21 July as the Malta Jazz Festival brings some of the finest musi- cians in contemporary jazz to the Maltese Islands. Big names such as Chick Corea, Christian McBride and Michael Lee make this year's line-up shine bright, and don't for- get to look out for the jazz on the fringe events held in various loca- tions around Valletta. Early bird tickets for MW- MF are already available. For more information, visit CHANEL Spring Summer 2018 collection FOR Spring / Summer 2018, Lucia Pica heeds the siren's call of home to return to the city of her birth anew. Here, Naples' ever-changing land- scape, layered with history, mean- ing and metaphor, provides the inspiration for colors, moods and techniques that offer a warm, rich and unexpectedly Mediterranean approach for the house – at once antique and utterly contemporary. The name Neapolis – or 'New City' – reflects Naples' origins as an ancient Greek colony as well as a city looked at afresh by Pica; free of clichés, the area's ancient roots and modern incarnation collide in a surprising yet complementary pal- ette of greens, yellows, golds, reds and blacks. Both the natural world – from the volcanic landscape of Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields, to the waters of the Bay – and the manmade architectural and artistic legacy – including the pigments of the frescoes in Villa Poppaea in Op- lontis, to the decoration of Baroque churches with the occasional price- less Caravaggio painting within – are explored and prove ripe for pos- sibility in the colors and methods of the collection. Eyes Central to the collection is the limited edition LES 9 OMBRES eyeshadow palette containing an enticing spectrum of brighter and more muted shades. For added intensity, Lucia Pica looks to green: OMBRE PREMI- ÈRE Crème in Verderame is an ex- ceptional dusty grey-green with a subtle metallic sheen, which looks beautiful worn alone or layered beneath the shadows in the eye pal- ette. STYLO YEUX WATERPROOF is either in Nero Vulcanico a deepest green-blue inspired by the ash black from Vulcano, or in Mare-Chiaro, a bright jade green. Face For the face, inspired by the view of the mountains view at sunset, JOUES CONTRASTE blush in Foschia Rosa is a poetic dusting of pink that will instantly enliven the complexion. Lips For the lips, something special: POUDRE À LÈVRES, an entirely new and artisanal approach to lip color inspired by traditional tem- pera techniques used to create the ancient frescoes. In addition to the lip powders, there are no fewer than ten other choices of color for the lips, from the bright poppy and raspberry shades of the ROUGE ALLURE and ROUGE ALLURE VELVET lipsticks to the glistening- ly ethereal shades of ROUGE CO- CO GLOSS, including Parthenope, a nude peachy caramel and Aphro- dite, a watery baby blue that can be worn alone or layered over brighter color. The ROUGE ALLURE INK shades, Entusiasta - a matte orange – or Eterea – a perfect peach pink complete the lip line-up. Nails Nails offer another chance to play: for Spring / Summer 2018. Lucia Pi- ca offers her first pastel shades, in- cluding Nuvola Rosa, a 'pastel pink cloud' and Verde Pastello, a delicate mint green, but also a bright or- ange with Arancio Vibrante. Giallo Napoli – 'bright Naples yellow' re- fers to the affresco picture, the fa- mous coloir used in paints. Frank Salt Real Estate's commitment to clients and the public continues to drive business forward NEARLY 200 staff members and agents from the Frank Salt Real Estate Group and its support di- visions gathered for the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 27 February at Corinthia San Gorg. In the opening address, Chair- man and founder Frank Salt reminded staff that in its 49th year of operations the most powerful attribute of Frank Salt Real Estate continues to be the company's impeccable reputa- tion consistently built over the years through the integrity, professionalism and values of its employees. "In a year of ups and downs for Malta, we pride ourselves on constantly behav- ing ethically in terms of our core business of buying, selling, letting and management of resi- dential and commercial property and in every aspect of our opera- tions. We are the largest family- owned real estate company on the island, with almost 50 years of consistent professionalism, service and high standards dedi- cated to our clients and the in- dustry." Salt added Salt continued with a dem- onstration to the staff of what is possible with hard work and commitment. "You are all part of our great Frank Salt fam- ily and I encourage and support the success of each of you in the company. My office door is al- ways open.'" he said. "Our fam- ily is growing each year and this year will see continued growth," he continued, with reference to Frank Salt Real Estate's expan- sion into new branches, most recent being tal-Ibrag, Fgura and the Commercial branch at Por- tomaso, and new markets as evi- denced over the course of 2017. The Chairman introduced two new directors to the board of the Frank Salt Group. Godfrey Swain, a former senior HSBC executive and international Asia based banker recently joined the Board of Directors bringing new skills and strategic perspec- tive. The Chairman also con- gratulated Darren De Domenico, Chief Operations Officer for the last three years and promoted to Director to complete a strong line up of family and non-family professionals on the board of the company. Detailed statistics regarding the company's performance in relation to the property market in Malta were presented by Dar- ren De Domenico. "2017 was another record year for the company. We are proud to say that we have increased market share for the third con- secutive year, volume and value of sales has also increased across all sectors of the industry" he said. "Frank Salt Real Estate con- tinues to perform steadily well, showing growth in residential and commercial property sales and letting, as well as in our sup- port divisions of property man- agement and home interiors. We have the strongest possible teams across all disciplines within the company and it shows in terms of our performance and endorse- ments from both local and inter- national clients who continue to use our services" he said. The AGM continued with an address from Director and Man- ager of HOQ, Homes of Qual- ity, Grahame Salt who paid trib- ute to the hard work of all the company members as well as the international agents in at- tendance. Grahame reminded staff of the benefit and value to property owners and develop- ers of utilising Frank Salt Real Estate's recently launched sole agency packages – Premium and Premium Plus. No other real es- tate agency offers the tools and channels available to ensure the successful sale of properties" he said. In addition, Grahame renewed a commitment to company CSR initiatives for 2018, with a per- sonal commitment to a major environmental project to be launched shortly that will make a very significant contribution to one of Malta's largest and most critical charitable institutions. "Our commitment to the pub- lic and the industry has never changed and we will continue to support sustainable development that has the interests of Malta's heritage at heart." he added. The Frank Salt Real Estate AGM also took the opportunity to recognise the contribution of staff exceeding five years of ser- vice. A total of 58 long service gifts were awarded, demonstrat- ing the company's culture of be- ing a place that people love to work for, and the commitment of staff to remaining loyal to the company, some in excess of 30 years. The highlight of the afternoon was the much-coveted Branch of the Year award for the high- est performing Frank Salt Real Estate branch as calculated by a comprehensive scorecard across a number of metrics. Stanley Bonello and his team at Fgura Branch received the award for a third consecutive year demon- strating the company's commit- ment and leadership in the fast growing Southern region of the island.

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