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5 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 10 JUNE 2018 felt like an angry anarchist who wants to change the world, so I sat down and wrote it in a matter of few minutes. It was also due to accumulation of ideas and inspiration which took some time to build. The produc- tion of the video started by sitting around the table with Luke, a friend of mine from 141 Records, and visualising minute by minute the pro- cess of the video in relation to our lyrics, resources and time frame. Then, I met the crew with whom I was go- ing to work, and explained my vision to them. The video could not have been possible without the help of the vol- unteers who showed up on the day of the shooting. Then together, we materialised the idea. Many other artists have been commenting on over- development in Malta re- cently. Why do you think this upsurge of interest ex- ists, and what would you say hip-hop, in particular, can contribute to the con- versation? We are witnessing this in- crease of artists commenting on the environment since this issue is now being pushed to extremes. Some businesses are motivated by short-term profit, but in an island the size of a pimple we cannot continue with this overdevel- opment, destroying our envi- ronment in the process and causing this high amount of pollution every day, irrespec- tive of how well the economy is doing. Enough is enough. People need to be more criti- cal and sustainable for the sake of their future. The con- tribution of the artists to this issue will hopefully raise more awareness and get people to start giving a damn about it. Would you say that artists can help bring about tan- gible change in this regard, especially considering how there appears to be a 'unit- ed front' against rampant overdevelopment now? We both know that we won't, and if we do it would only be because of an ulte- rior motive, and not because the government is particu- larly keen to safeguard the environment. Still, it's not a question of giving up. Hope- fully, eventually, by uniting and putting pressure on the responsible authorities, these acts of rampant overdevelop- ment may be reduced or at least restricted in the devel- opment zone without harm- ing the ecology and residents in the process. What are some of your oth- er areas of interest apart from hip-hop, and how would you say these inform one another? My main drive is towards philosophy, and it's my main interest and reason behind most of my writings. I also produce handmade jewellery which I sell from Mellow- moon, a shop in Marsaskala that I've just opened to pro- mote the merchandise of the local alternative scene and sell my jewellery, along with items by other local artists. I'm also the public relations officer of L-Għaqda tal-Malti – Universita and currently leading the organisation of the event Serata Għana u Lejla Rap which is funded by the Valletta 2018 Foundation. Taħt il-Qoxra is a radio pro- gram which I host in collabo- ration with the National Book Council, in which I interview writers and critics from our local literature scene. What's next for you? Only God knows. For more information on Ra- chelle Deguara's work, search for 'REA' and 'Mellowmoon' on Facebook THIS WEEK MUSIC Il-poplu jrid il-paċi, s-serħan u skiet ikun jistgħa jagħmel passiġġati qalb il-mogħdijiet ħtigijiet naturali, nistgħu ingawdu l-bajjiet tħares il-fuq, minn ta linqas żewg krejnijiet, xiex? Seeħan tal-moħħ għall-futur, mhux telfien ta' wirt storiku li jispicca mirdum, taħt fabbriki użati biex jikkastraw l-unur, marċi funebri dedikati l-futur Fridna lill-MEPA mill-ERA Biex niddefendu l-ambjent Mill-ERA passata u l-MEPA riċeviment. L-ambjent taħt theddida, bi pjanijiet ta'żvilupp, Kapitalizmu, viva l-konsum! għax Ir-regħba fuq il-ħtieġa u profitt minn fuq in-nies nieklu minn natura biex indaħlu fl-ibwiet. Ir-regħba fuq il-ħtieġa u profitt minn fuq in-nies nieklu minn natura biex indaħlu fl-ibwiet. Nivvalenaw l-ibhra, sa ma fihom ma' tistax tgħum Nifgaw it-toroq, sakemm exhaust biss ixxomm l-kanċer kwistjoni li fuq ħajjitna kontroll Inzomm din li l-opinjoni, McDonald's® ieħor mhux bżonn. Nieħdu dan l-irwoll ta' ċittadini b' vuċi Inthom li għal qalbkom in-natura, niddefendu il-liġi Biex f'ODZ l-ebda żvilupatur ma jirfess l-interess fuq suggett li bla rispett, ir-rata niżlet. Tan-natura naturali li tipprovdilna l-essenzjali Widien naturali, li mill-poplu stess miċħuda. Skart mormi bl-addoċċ, poplu li ta' artu stess Ġuda. Nuża' dawn il-meżżi u ma' nappoġġja l-ebda skuża Għax Ir-regħba fuq il-ħtieġa u profitt minn fuq in-nies nieklu minn-natura biex indaħlu fl-ibwiet. Ir-regħba fuq il-ħtieġa u profitt minn fuq in-nies nieklu minn-natura biex indaħlu fl-ibwiet. l-art li titimana, noħonqu mingħajr ma' nindunaw. IL-MEPA toħrog permessi u nies jirrabjaw, dfintuna ġo artna, xi drittijiet qed ninghataw? Imbilli cheque tirċievi għax ħdejn impjant tgħix In-natura irriversibbli u l-flus ma jiġux mix-xejn Il-futur mistoqsija, li m' għandux risposta Ingawdu l-ġid kollu, b'deċiżjoni mhux f'postha. It-tfall jaħbtu ma' xulxin, marru biex jilghabu u Sabu żewg gafef mixgħulin. Bulebel post rikk, qabel intefa l-konkos, Nibżghu għal li fadal, għax il-ħarrub irdoss. Deċiżjonijiet, li ma jiddefendux il-futur, Ta' sodisfazjon temporanju, żgur fejn indur La tinqata' l-aħħar siġra, inlaqtu milli jkun baqa'. il-ġid komuni meħud mis-suq ħieles, ODZ xi ftit kampanja, li wkoll qed jiġi nieqes. Għax Ir-regħba fuq il-ħtieġa u profitt minn fuq in-nies nieklu minn-natura biex indaħlu fl-ibwiet. Ir-regħba fuq il-ħtieġa u profitt minn fuq in-nies nieklu minn-natura biex indaħlu fl-ibwiet. 'Nieklu n-Natura' by REA – Lyrics "People need to be more critical and sustainable for the sake of their future" "An island the size of a pimple we cannot continue with this overdeveopment"

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