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GOZOTODAY 26 July 2024

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564,396 inbound and do- mestic tourists visited Gozo and Comino in 2023, newly released data shows. Domestic tourists ac- counted for 71.9 per cent of total tourism demand within this region. The total number of in- bound and domestic tour- ists who visited the Malta region reached 2.9 million, with inbound tourists ac- counting for 98.4% of total tourists visiting this region. Data released by the Na- tional Statistics Office shows that during 2023, domestic tourism across regions stood at 454,495 total arrivals, an increase of 23.2% when compared to 2022. PAGES 4 - 5 SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL FRIDAY 26 JULY 2024 • ISSUE 004 • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY gozotoday PAUL COCKS €1.00 | 2275 5747 Do something for yourself Subscribe to a Pension Plan Further informa on on the plan may be obtained from the Key Features Document available from our website If you stop paying your plan before the chosen re rement date, you may not get back as much as you invested. If you invest in this product, you will not have access to your money before the re rement date. The value of your investment may go down as well as up. Changes in the rate of exchange of currencies may also effect the value of investments. This is a limited me offer ending 30th September 2024. MAPFRE MSV Life reserves the right to close this offer earlier. The Product is manufactured by MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. and distributed by Bank of Valle a p.l.c. This advert is issued by Bank of Valle a p.l.c., 58, Triq San Żakkarija, Il-Belt Valle a VLT 1130. Bank of Valle a p.l.c. is an enrolled Tied Insurance Intermediary under the Insurance Distribu on Act, Cap. 487 of the Laws of Malta for MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (MMSV). MMSV (C-15722) is authorised under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. Both en es are regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority. SCAN HERE Get a one- me top-up of €175 INVESTING TOGETHER Over 560,000 tourists visited Gozo in 2023 Four NGOs issue last-ditch call for help to stop destruction of Fort Chambray's Married Quarters British Barracks DIN l-Art Ħelwa Għawdex, Għawdix, Moviment Graffitti, and Wirt Għaw- dex are urging the public to oppose the destruction of Fort Chambray's Married Quarters British Barracks, one of Mal- ta's oldest (c.1898) and the only British barracks in Gozo. PAGE 6 Neil Agius to re- attempt world- record swim, circumnavigating Maltese islands PAG 8 Domestic tourism accounted for 71.9% of all visits to Gozo

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