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17 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 29 AUGUST 2018 COMMERCIAL LifeCycle and Transplant Support Group campaign ahead of Organ Donation Week 2018 AS part of its commitment towards raising further awareness about organ trans- plants in Malta, LifeCycle (Malta) Foundation in collab- oration with the Transplant Support Group, is holding a week-long campaign urging persons above the age of 16 residing in Malta to register their wish to donate their or- gans after death. Through the Organ Do- nation Week, being held between 3rd and 9th Sep- tember 2018, LifeCycle are aiming to get people talk- ing about organ donations with their families. The final objective is to increase the number of donors during the campaign. "The best treatment for per- sons suffering from kidney failure or renal disease is to receive a kidney transplant. Organ donation after death is a precious gift. While it costs nothing, no pain and no loss for the donor, that organ do- nation can often save a life," said Alan Curry, founder of LifeCycle (Malta) Founda- tion and Managing Director at Chic Physique at Hilltop Gardens. "We are aiming to get people to talk about Or- gan Donation Week and to help save lives painlessly." "One organ donor can save up to eight lives. The same donor can also save or im- prove the lives of up to 50 persons by donating tissues," said James Muscat, Trans- plant Support Group's Presi- dent and himself a donor. "Transplantation of organs in Malta has been carried out for almost 30 years. More than 400 persons have been given a second chance to life, thanks to organ donors who deserve our highest esteem. We advise persons who have the wish to donate their or- gans after death, to speak about it with their loved ones, and encourage family mem- bers to register as well. It's one of the best gifts one can give to another human be- ing." Visitors to Chic Physique Gym Studio and Sanya Well- ness Spa at Hilltop Gardens in Naxxar can pick up an Or- gan Donation flyer from out- side the studio and sign their name. One can also down- load an Organ Donation form from: www.organdonation. Persons over the age of 16 years can register their wish to donate their organs after death or specify which or- gans they would like to do- nate. There is no age limit and even those that may have a medical condition can also register. Activities during Organ Donation Week Members at Chic Physique can opt to take a Sufferfest Challenge of four classes in the week and participants' names will enter for a lottery draw. This is a mini LifeCy- cle in aid of renal patients. A talk about organ dona- tion and organ transplants will be conducted by James Muscat at Hilltop Gardens in Naxxar on Wednesday 5th September 2018 at 8.00pm. One or two renal patients will also relate their experi- ences. Those who wish to attend can contact James Muscat on 79478452. LifeCycle Foundation has distributed Organ Donation flyers to its Platinum Spon- sors to encourage their staff and respective families to register. Any registrations from the said companies will be col- lected on the 5th Septem -ber. LifeCycle (Malta) Founda- tion actively supports renal patients and their families through their annual LifeCy- cle Challenge. For donations and informa- tion about LifeCycle Foun- dation and Foster Clark Life- Cycle Challenge 2018, please visit www.lifecyclechallenge. com THE Federation of Malta Aq- uaculture Producers (FMAP) has launched an educational campaign across the media in an effort to show that the op- erators involved in aquaculture also share responsibility when it comes to safeguardng the sea. FMAP states that although for a number of years sus- tainability was not high on the agenda, today many are realising that the safeguard- ing of our seas is part and parcel of our future and also in the interest of coming gen- erations. The Federation is, therefore stressing that it is conscious of the fact that no activity is sustainable if it leaves a bad impact on the natural envi- ronment. Meanwhile FMAP wants to emphasise that the commer- cial aquaculture industry also helps to replenish fish popu- lations and provides pro- teins and food to a number of communities in different parts of the world apart form contributing towards a posi- tive economic model. In this context, the theme which was selected is 'Baħar wieħed, Baħar tagħna.' (One sea, our sea) and this cam- paign which is targeted at the public invites anyone to comment and forward any complaints by phoning in. Should anyone feel like commenting on the issue or- even file a re- port, this can be carried out by calling on 21242776. Campaign targets protection of our seas Pick up an Organ Donation flyer and register your name. Picture shows Alan Curry, James Muscat and one of the gym members, Shaun Dimech Campaign from the fmap to raise awareness on the need to protect our seas To leave a message or to phone: 21242776 WIEĦED TAGĦNA BAĦAR Federation of maltese aquaculture producers

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