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17 TECHNOLOGY maltatoday | SUNDAY • 25 NOVEMBER 2018 Can you explain what the M.Sc. in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency will cover? The M.Sc. in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency focuses on two main areas namely the Blockchain technology and its interface to the finance world with particular reference to cryptocurrency. More specifically the sub- jects vary from principles of disruptive technology Blockchain technology; un- derstanding the regulatory framework; cryptocurrency information systems and re- sources; investment markets; and cryptographic security. Why was the need felt for such a course, focused spe- cifically on Blockchain and cryptocurrency? How big a demand is there? As an institute we are con- stantly looking into new areas of learning. In addition to this course we have also launched M.Sc. programmes in other areas including Governance and Leadership; Hospitality; and Healthcare Management. We are very satisfied with the interest and demand and over the next few months we are looking forward to launching some other pro- grammes which are inline to what the institute is known to offer, as well as in different ar- eas and sectors. Cryptocurrency is still very much a niche interest and as yet it is nowhere near main- stream. Why, therefore, did you feel the need to include crypto in your Masters cur- riculum? Throughout our research we looked at the applicability of Blockchain technology and we have identified that this offers a unique platform for a number of sectors mainly the financial services industry. I fully agree that both Block- chain technology and crypto- currency do not form part of mainstream areas, neverthe- less we anticipate that within the next few months there will be more developments. In this scenario, I strongly be- lieve that we need to prepare ourselves for the new reali- ties. Blockchain is so much more than just crypto- currency. How do you see Blockchain technology im- pacting daily lives in the next 10 years? Blockchain and cryptocur- rency are separate from each other. Whether we like it or not, Blockchain technology is the way forward. Just like internet is part of our daily routine both for per- sonal and business reasons, so will Blockchain technology influence the way we operate over the coming years. For AI specialists, Block- chain technology is a natural evolution while for end users, this is perceived as being a revolutionary change. Both are correct - depend- ing on your perception and interest. Malta takes great pride in calling itself the Blockchain island, and was the first to introduce legislation regu- lating Blockchain and cryp- tocurrency. A number of firms have already relocated to Malta. How realistic are Malta's hopes of becoming a Blockchain hub? Malta has not only posi- tioned itself as the Blockchain island but has already started implementing some initial projects. Major educational institu- tions are already using the technology to provide digital certification. The pilot pro- jects were successful and ex- cellent results were achieved. Malta offers unique opportu- nities both at personal as well as business level. The geographical size, the proliferation of internet prac- tically in every household and the high aptitude of adapt- ability gives us a competitive advantage. With this framework in mind, I truly believe that Malta's hopes of becoming a Blockchain hub are realistic and achievable. As we move towards fo- cus-driven instruction and courses, as is this Masters course, will more tradition- al education paths become redundant? Idea Leadership and Man- agement Institute caters for adult learners and to this ef- fect we pride ourselves of not only being innovative in the different areas of studies but also in the method of sharing knowledge. Once again, we have made technology to good use and our programmes are blended between didactic learning and online programmes. This approach requires more preparation and com- mitment both from the fac- ulty members as well as from an operational point of view. So far, we have had excellent results and we are planning of implementing other ways of learning. Should secondary schools start preparing students with a basic foundation in Blockchain and crypto, if this sector is to grow as ex- pected? How would you go about this? There is no doubt that digi- tal literacy is one of the skills required for the 21st century and we, as educators, are re- sponsible to be more proac- tive ensure that our students are better prepared. A lot has been done and achieved and therefore I am confident that once again we will rise to the new challenges ahead. Similarly, different forms of money are due to be part of our lives. With or without in- termediaries, financial trans- actions using different type of money is already taking place. The younger generation are already venturing in trading in different forms of money. Having a regulatory frame- work will empower us with new ideas on how we can overcome the challenges that the concept of cryptocur- rency is currently struggling with. Do you believe cryptocur- rency will ever be accepted as mainstream? If you were a betting person, by when would you say this will hap- pen? There were times when we believed that the world was flat, but that was proved wrong. I am sure that having cryp- tocurrency as the mainstream will not happen overnight and a lot of ideas need to be shared and assurances need to be made. Our conservative instincts in having a tangible currency will not fade away overnight. Malta is still one of those countries where we thrive on cash. Nevertheless no one can stop the change process and as a result we need to be prepared for all eventualities. Any further observations? Undoubtedly these are ex- citing times when we are wit- nessing a revolution in how business will be conducted in years to come. The accredita- tion at MQF level 7 is being run by Idea Leadership and Management Institute in col- laboration with, who are established leaders in AI technology. We strongly be- lieve that this Master's degree will give professionals in the industry the opportunity to distinguish themselves and become the drivers in this sector. Mastering blockchain and cryptocurrency Idea Leadership and Management Institute, in collaboration with, are offering a Master's degree in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. MaltaToday spoke to DR SILVIO DE BONO, the institute's managing director, about the Master's benefits and the reasoning behind it