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19 LETTERS & EDITORIAL maltatoday | SUNDAY • 25 NOVEMBER 2018 Seven years, no cycling policy Just over seven years ago the Bicycling Advocacy Group met Transport Malta to discuss a framework for a National Cycling Policy. It is unfortunate and a national embarrassment that this important document from which all policies and infrastructural standards are derived is yet to make an appear- ance. After seven years? As someone who committed their own time to attend those first meet- ings it is high time we had some level of accountability. Questions need to be asked right away. Why does it take seven years to draft a policy? Why are we building cycling infra without one? Will we have to rebuild what we have already done? Jim Wightman, St Julian's Protecting Sliema garden An old folly (a reproduction ruined Gothic tower), an outdoors dance- floor and bandstand and an under- ground vaulted reservoir so large a rowing boat was used to get across, it might be saved in the eco-oasis of Villa Bonici garden thanks to cam- paigning by eNGO Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar (FAA) and the Super- intendence of Cultural Heritage. FAA welcomes the Planning Commission's decision to refuse the preliminary ap- plication for the development of Villa Bonici and its large garden. The application covers the large grounds of the protected 19th centu- ry Villa itself and its extensive sched- uled formal garden which proposes to change the site into yet another boutique hotel, office and residential blocks and a residential home for elderly people. FAA argued that the application as proposed would jeop- ardize the historic buildings and sites within this unique historic gem. The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage also maintained that the application as presented did not provide ade- quate information to ensure the site's historic and cultural significance were protected. Unlike other towns and villages, Sliema and St Julian's are the only lo- calities in Malta where gardens were not protected by the Local Plans, in order to make it easier for developers to destroy old houses with large gar- dens to fit in the maximum number of apartments. In 1992 MEPA had already raised the alarm, stating that this would ruin Sliema and St Julians, yet continued to issue such permits undermining the heritage, appearance and quality of life of these towns. Villa Bonici's historic prestige and the extensive of its grounds, would necessitate the utmost care and thought in its planning. A vague and insufficient proposal such as that presented in today's preliminary application would lead to the rash uninformed development of the site, killing all hope for this much-needed Sliema lung and heritage site. FAA is currently engaged in cam- paigning for heritage and quality of life in various parts of Malta and Go- zo. The public is encouraged to sup- port the preservation of Malta's herit- age by joining the eNGO at https:// Astrid Vella, Sliema Mikiel Galea Letters & Clarifications Clarification In the travel review of a Medi- terranean cruise, it is regret- fully omitted that the cruise was offerred by MSC Seaview and Hamilton Travel MT2 page 16