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MALTATODAY 13 March 2019 Midweek

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17 COMMERCIAL maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 13 MARCH 2019 Thousands visit Virtu's Saint John Paul II THE Virtu Ferries Terminal came alive with over 12,000 people enjoying a family Sunday day out with the added bonus of touring the new arrival, M/V Saint John Paul II. The verdict was loud and clear – she tru- ly is a "significant ship", a verdict shared by the acclaimed Royal Institute of Naval Architects. As wine and Sicilian and Maltese delica- cies flowed, the mood went a few notches higher with HCOV and Pusè's versatility and talent. What a performance! In the meantime, those on board were enter- tained to the melodious strings of Caro- line Calleja's harp. The melody in tune with the vessel's luxurious interior further enhanced by works of leading Maltese contemporary artists. A Maltese occasion for Maltese families if ever there was one. Virtu would like to thank all those who visited Saint John Paul II as well as the Maltese and Sicilian associates who, with their stands, added so much to the occa- sion both by their presence and contribu- tion. MCAST collaborates with Hudson Group to enable its students grow within the retail industry HUDSON Group and MCAST have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which will enable MCAST students to gain ex- posure and on the job training within the retail industry. This will seek to equip students with the necessary skills to grow within this ever growing international in- dustry. Whilst the retail industry is one of the main employers on the island, besides the Advanced Diploma in Fashion & Retail of- fered by the MCAST Institute of Creative Arts, there is little other related formal education offered to students who wish to take up a career in this field. The two parties are therefore collabo- rating in order to enrich the theoretical and practical training to prepare students for employment in the retail industry. In particular, Hudson Group employees will support the development of the current curriculum and will run lectures and work- shops for the MCAST students in a num- ber of Retail related fields. Furthermore, on an annual basis, a num- ber of students will be offered apprentice- ships that will enable them to gain invalu- able work experience that will complement their studies, whilst exposing them to the various interesting career opportunities in the retail sector. "The retail industry offers many interest- ing career opportunities with many excit- ing roles in areas such as brand manage- ment, retail store management, visual merchandising, planning and buying, and marketing amongst others," Alfie Borg, Hudson Group CEO, said. "Being a major player in the retail and dis- tribution industry in Malta and the Medi- terranean region, we feel we are an ideal partner to support MCAST in its mission to bridge the skills gap and prepare their students for employment in the industry." Hudson Group is an international re- tailer and distributor primarily involved in the sport and fashion wear sectors. The Group's head office is located in Malta but is also present through offices in Ita- ly, Spain, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Though Hudson Holdings was founded in 2006, the Group's roots reach as far back as 1987 when the first pair of NIKE was sold in Malta. MAPFRE Group sponsors recreational activities for Dar il-Kaptan IN February, a number of em- ployees from MAPFRE Group volunteered to take several cli- ents from Dar il-Kaptan for a fun-filled bowling activity dur- ing the afternoon. MAPFRE Group sponsored this activity so that their residents may take the opportunity to enjoy them- selves by means outside of their daily routines. Dar il-Kaptan is an NGO which offers services to any person with a disability, irre- spective of the impairment or condition, especially since the home is fully accessible and their staff are highly trained. e Foundation is committed to ensure that no family, regard- less of their financial situation, is denied access to any of its services, which may consist of either Residential Respite Ser- vice or a Day Service. Individ- ual assessments are carried out regularly by the social worker to ensure that all the family's con- cerns are addressed. The philosophy of this Foun- dation is built based on the individual's right to dignity, respect and privacy. By adher- ing to these fundamental prin- ciples, Dar il-Kaptan provide a service that helps to enhance the individual's potential as well as enriching his/her quality of life. Notwithstanding this, the NGO have made it their mis- sion to commit themselves to "providing a professional res- pite service to persons with dis- ability and their families." MAPFRE Group strives to ful- fil its obligations to NGOs such as Dar il-Kaptan and make a difference to our local commu- nity. MAPFRE Group will con- tinue to sponsor such activities throughout the upcoming year of 2019.

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