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28.03.19 TRENDSETTERS What gave you the idea of entering the craft brewing business? My family was the primary source of inspiration, initially I had started brew- ing my beers using some wine making equipment that I found available. Over the years I became increasingly profi- cient as a brewer, whilst finding a grow- ing level of public interest and requests. I found the changeover from passion to business to be seamless. Did you encounter challenges setting up and getting things going? New seemingly insurmountable chal- lenges crop up on a regular basis. How- ever hard work, persistence and a good dose of creativity have so far been the best tools to overcome each new chal- lenge as it arises. Which beers do you sell? Has the line expanded since you got started? Stretta Craft Beer started in 2016 with a single India Pale Ale aptly named 'No1'. is beer has become a local favourite in the craft beer world, rising steadily to the No1 position on . Stret- ta has since released two other beers, namely Muzajk; an American Pale Ale as well as a limited edition Belgian Strong Ale. Are you happy with how the business has developed? If you could go back to when you started, would you do anything differently? We're delighted at the reception Stretta has got, topping the charts in all interna- tional beer rating forums for Malta. In retrospect there are always going to be some things that could have been done better, however I consider myself extremely blessed with the success of Stretta Beer. Looking forward, where do you see your venture going? e future looks very exciting. We feel that the local market is a wide open with plenty of space to grow. We also get the occasional export request however this is not our main focus at the moment. Meet the man behind chart- topping craft beer Stretta BUSINESSTODAY spoke to John Borg Barthet, the entrepreneur behind Malta's highest rated beer company called Strea Cra Beer, launched in late 2016. His professional background is in management, manufacturing & marketing

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