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BusinessToday 25 April 2019

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€1.50 THURSDAY 25 APRIL 2019 • ISSUE 5 WWW.BUSINESSTODAY.COM.MT Edward Scicluna says lower growth forecast is a prudent approach PAGE 3 Cash is king Cash continues to lead way for payments of all goods and services, a 2018 survey by the Central Bank of Malta has found, but younger people are more open to alternatives MASSIMO COSTA UNDER pressure infrastructure must be given time to change as it catches up with the demands of unprecedented growth, Ed- ward Scicluna said. e Finance Minister insisted that the pressure on infrastruc- ture will ease off as it devel- ops but will not be completely avoided. Scicluna was speaking to Busi- ness Today in the wake of com- ments he made at the Labour Party's general conference yes- terday morning. e Finance Minister ad- mitted during the conference that the rapid expansion of the economy at unprecedent- ed levels had created pressure on the infrastructure. It also caused problems because peo- ple were not expecting it. "Once the infrastructure is al- lowed to grow with the rate of economic growth, much of the pressures are reduced, though not completely avoided," he told BusinessToday. Economic growth is forecast to reach 6% this year but govern- ment is projecting a deceleration to 5.7% in 2020. PAGE 2 Sciculuna: The rapid expansion of the economy at unprecedented levels created pressure on the infrastructure

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