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MALTATODAY 8 May 2019 Midweek

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13 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 8 MAY 2019 CULTURE THIS Sunday Heritage Malta is opening the cat- acombs of Ta' Mintna in Mqabba at the reduced price of €2. This site is usually not open to the public and access to it is by appointment. Although small, these three catacombs show some special features which are rarely seen anywhere else. These include triangular lamp- holes, niches decorated with beautiful scallop shells in motifs, carved columns, and one of the best preserved triclinia in the Maltese catacombs. Tours will take place every 30 minutes, starting from 9.00am (last tour starts at noon). Event will end at 13.00hrs. For more information, visit www.heritagemalta. org Ta' Mintna Catacombs to open at a reduced price THREE international artists created the exhibition Object, Objetc, Objecc through a long-term collaboration and conversation. Having met dur- ing a month-long residency at SIM in Reykjavik, Letta Shtohryn (Ukraine / Malta), Liza Eurich (Canada) and Katri Kempas (Finland) continued to hold informal conversational ex- changes, a mechanism that became the starting point for the project and exhibition. The three communicated through group messenger chat, emails, and social media, exchanging thoughts and images through a collaborative process of exchanges spanning con- tinents. Operating from a platform of call and response, the production of work for this exhibition explored methods of translation: from simu- lated to real, from personal to refer- ential, from present to absent and vice versa. Despite their distance from one an- other, the three worked collaborative- ly on their individual practice, open- ing up a space of intimate dialogue. While all three artists work in differ- ent media, a common thread of explo- ration into 'objectness' is present in their work within this exhibition. Letta Shtohryn, originally from Ukraine, has been based in Malta for several years. Her work explores 'ob- jectness' from perspectives that are linked to recent digital developments, such as recent plans by the Maltese government to implement face rec- ognition technology and the bias that this technology contains, as well as data security. Liza Eurich's work is grounded within ethics of craft, la- bour and the space of the studio – her practice currently engages with modes of refusal and the politics of refusal. Katri Kempasa works with experienc- es of nature, family and religion and is particularly interested in the nature of materials and found objects. Objetc, Objetc, Objecc opens at Space A, Spazju Kreattiv on Friday 3 May at 7pm and runs until Sunday 16 June. It is supported by the Arts Council Malta's Arts Fund - Project Support Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, and Ontario Arts Council. For more information visit: https:// objetc-objecc/ Multinational collaboration across continents ends in multi-media exhibition Three artists collaborate across continents to produce Object, Objetc, Objecc, a multi- media exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv

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