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MALTATODAY 27 May 2019 special election edition

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15 maltatoday | MONDAY • 27 MAY 2019 EUROPE 2019 the vote and Denmark (13%) and Austria (13%). For the first time ever, the Greens have won a seat from Portugal. In Hungary, Orban's Fidesz party, which was recently sus- pended from the EPP and may join a new right-wing alliance spearheaded by Italy's Vice Premier Matteo Salvini, re- soundingly won by 56%, easily defeating a fragmented oppo- sition. The conservative right- wing also won in Poland, an- other country singled out for rule of law issues which trig- gered Article 7 procedures by the EU. As expected in Greece the conservative New Democracy party has overtaken Alexis Tsipras's leftist SYRIZA which was elected to government on a platform to reject austerity but ended up implementing the EU-imposed debt repay- ment programmes. In Britain Nigel Farage's Brexit Party has overtaken all the other parties with g. But the pro remain Liberal Demo- crats and the Greens have also increased their seats. The Socialists have registered significant gains in Spain, Por- tugal, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark. In Spain the So- cialists led by Pedro Sanchez have increased their share of the vote by 5 points while the Popular Party has lost 9 points. tide

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