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BUSINESS TODAY 8 August 2019

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08.08.19 13 OPINION Mark Stabile Mark Stabile is a Professor of Economics at INSEAD T he general picture of gig economy work and mental wellbeing is not a pretty one. Around the world, Uber drivers face wage and security wor- ries. Deliveroo workers have too much competition. Airbnb owners face legal problems in Paris and other cities. But while these headlines suggest a dark cloud over the heads of gig econ- omy workers, recent data I've looked at unexpectedly shows that they are about 33% more likely to self-report positive mental health traits. It may seem like a counterintuitive re- sult but, in new research with Bénédicte Apouey, a professor at the Paris School of Economics, I found that self-em- ployed gig economy workers in the UK score higher across a range of psycho- logical wellbeing measures than work- ers in the mainstream economy. Meanwhile, gig work in the UK is surging, with unemployment at a re- cord low and demand rocketing for sharing-economy services. Deliveroo, for example, was named the UK's fastest growing tech firm for 2018 by Deloitte. Uber, although facing regulatory issues in the UK, still posted a huge increase in profit last year. Airbnb's market in Lon- don has increased fourfold since 2015. Self-employment and self-worth To find out how the gig economy is affecting people, we matched data from the Understanding Society study (the biggest long-term study of house- hold attitudes in the UK) and Google Trends, which shows the popularity of different search terms at different times and places. Understanding Society has information about people's health and demographics, and tracks their employ- ment type. e Google search terms we analysed were primarily words associated with gig economy work in a given area. is served as a predictor for where people had gig employment at Uber, Deliveroo and Airbnb. Cross-referencing this data with the Understanding Society study, enabled us to analyse the mental health of people working in the gig economy. We found that self-employed workers reported improved ability to concen- trate and self-confidence, which are both important to mental health. ese workers also reported a boost to self- worth and happiness. e boost in self-confidence and concentration fits with benefits some workers in the sharing economy receive from not needing to adhere to certain restrictions found in traditional paid work, such as working schedules set by a boss or having long commutes. Other research indicates that Uber drivers in London, although they make less than most Londoners, have greater life satis- faction. For employees in the mainstream economy, heavy job requirements plus low autonomy lead to stress. Employ- ees with zero hours contracts – whose hours fluctuate from week to week but who lack control over their schedules – may be under even more stress than those with regular jobs. In contrast, gig workers decide when to work and make their own decisions about customers, leading to a greater sense of control. Health kick Our health and wellbeing measures are from the General Health Ques- tionnaire of the Understanding Society study, which evaluates the current state of mind of respondents and asks if it is different from their usual state. Some of the questions relate to concentration, loss of sleep due to worry, and feelings that they play a useful role or can face up to problems. Other questions ask if the subject is unhappy, depressed or lacking confidence. e scores for our measures run from lowest mental health at 0 to the best psychological health at 36. e mean is around 24. We found that self-employ- ment increases a subject's score by eight points – an improvement of roughly one third. One very large change in the factors we examined was money spent on alco- holic drinks. For gig workers, it dropped by a breath-taking 200%. is isn't nec- essarily a reduction in consumption of alcohol, but in spending. Uber and Deliveroo drivers are often at work when people are down the pub or at meal times, when money is often spent on drink. ese are peak hours for gig workers, who need to be sober on the job. It nonetheless results in a remark- able difference for mental health, espe- cially in the UK, where alcohol misuse is the biggest factor for death and ill- health among those aged 15 to 49. Our results also show that women, those without a university degree and older workers – groups that are often overlooked in the regular economy – fare particularly well in terms of mental health. e sharing economy offers not only flexibility but a direct connection that allows these workers to feel that they are making a real and immediate contribution. For women especially, self-employ- ment gives a level of flexibility to part- time work that isn't possible in the mainstream workforce. As women often bear the brunt of care responsi- bilities, this autonomy is vital to their mental health. Lessons for all Our preliminary conclusions point to the importance of autonomy in the workplace. e gig economy offers workers the opportunity for more con- trol in their jobs, which may lead to more self-worth, more confidence, less strain. It's clear that workers who have this control, as well as flexibility and the idea that they're making a difference, are more mentally healthy. Managers can weave flexibility into office life, em- powering and engaging workers to be responsible for and confident in their decision making abilities. Poor mental health is expensive for employers. In fact, it is estimated to cause 91m lost working days each year in the UK, costing the economy US$37.5 billion. is is, of course, not limited to the UK. In the US, it's estimated that US$193 billion in earnings is lost each year due to serious mental illness. Past the dramatic articles about the perils of the gig economy, the changing nature of work needs more attention. Self-employment has a positive impact on mental health, even with some inse- curity. In contrast, the precariousness of zero hours contracts, where work- ers often learn their schedule just a few days in advance, should not be associat- ed with gains in wellbeing found among gig workers. How gig economy gives a mental health boost to workers – new research In control

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