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BUSINESS TODAY 8 August 2019

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08.08.19 4 NEWS APS Bank sponsored a harp recital by world-renowned German artist Flor- ence Sitruk, Professor of Harp at the Indiana Jacobs School of Music, USA. e concert featured various genres of music, including by Maltese Maes- tro Albert Pace. Sitruk offered to come to Malta specifically to play two of Mro Pace's works, one of which he composed es- pecially for her. APS Bank had previously collabo- rated with Mro Pace, who had won a Bank competition for his symphonic song cycle 'Għanjiet ta' Bniedem Soli- tarju', which the Bank had presented at a concert and released on a CD. e event was organised at the Mdina Cathedral Museum Courtyard and was attended by senior Bank officials and a guest audience which included Ger- man Ambassador Walter Haßmann. Hervé Delpech, APS Bank Chief Strategy Officer commented: "As part of its corporate social responsibility, APS Bank is always proud to support events that promote culture of the highest level in the community." Evenings on Campus APS Bank is also supporting the 'Eve- nings on Campus' festival. is is the first time the Bank has teamed up with the University of Mal- ta on this event, this year marking its 27th edition. e festival is being held at the Uni- versity of Malta Msida grounds up to September, with some events taking place at the Valletta Campus. e ac- tivities include film, literature, drama, dance, comedy and science laced with music, ranging from Maltese theatre to Chinese culture. On Saturday 27 July, the Bank hosted staff and clients to a spectacular per- formance by the Moveo Dance Com- pany entitled e Other Door. APS Bank supports Esprit Méditerranéen harp recital, Evenings on Campus Florence Sitruk Evenings on Campus EMPLOYEE orientation and recogni- tion, employee development and en- hancement as well as job stability are the top three values that employees find most appealing when considering ap- plying for a post with a new company. Interestingly, remuneration ranked as the fourth quality followed by cre- ativity and innovation, commitment to quality, customer focus and perfor- mance orientation. Although salary may trigger the search for a new job, results showed that in the end salary is looked into when other elements are not being satisfied. ese are some of the findings from MISCO's latest HR survey completed over the past weeks, presented recently during a MISCO in the Hot Seat event organised at the Xara Lodge on the theme "Job Seekers' Behaviour and Ex- pectations for 2019". "is latest survey provided us with interesting data on what attracts peo- ple to apply for jobs, what makes com- panies stand out and what values em- ployees seek for when considering who they want to work for," said MISCO's Josianne Avellino. "We found that whereas promotion of company benefits and events, tes- timonials and communication of CSR events do have an impact on job seek- ers, a staggering 58.5% of potential can- didates consider the professional out- look of the company as the absolute top quality that would attract them to apply for a position." "It is a fact that for many employers, finding the right people remains a big issue and this could be because they could be applying the wrong recruit- ment strategies. In fact, as recruiters, we feel that the current market is an employees' market because employees are now expecting to be approached about job opportunities, and not look for them themselves. is is why we organised this survey: to gain a better insight into what candidates are looking for and to help HR managers, execu- tives and recruiters align their recruit- ment strategies alongside the current market trends," she added. e presentation covering the survey and the outcomes of the Hot Seat has been distributed to all those attending the event. Anyone interested in receiv- ing a copy can contact MISCO on mspi- Recognition, personal development and stability most sought after by job seekers

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