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MALTATODAY 3 November 2019

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 3 NOVEMBER 2019 9 CULTURE BOOKS HERITAGE Malta has teamed up with Camposan- to Ltd, the operators of the Addolorata Cemetery, to publish the book 'Iċ- Ċimiterju ta' Santa Marija Addolorata: Storja, Arti, Per- sonalitajiet'. The launch of the book took place on Thursday at the iconic chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows which is located in this cemetery. "It is a pleasure to see this book being published. It was opportune to publish it this year since last May, we cele- brated the 150th anniversary from the official opening and blessing of the Addolorata Cemetery. Mainly, this book is based on three aspects: the origins and history of this cemetery, a guided tour around this place, and a de- tailed list which points out the tombs of several person- alities who were buried here," said Eman Bonnici, author of the book and Vice Manager at Camposanto Ltd. Chris Zahra, Manager at Camposanto Ltd. said that during discussions with Bon- nici, the author was always telling him intriguing details about the Addolorata Cem- etery. "I told him that it was a pity that all the information was not gathered in a book," he said. "Therefore, Camposanto Ltd is really proud to have worked with Heritage Malta to see this book published, since besides the restora- tion and the extension of this cemetery, together with the administrative work we are doing, we are now also docu- menting this remarkable her- itage which sadly does not always get the deserved at- tention." Anton Refalo, Chairman of Heritage Malta, said he en- tered the chapel for the first time and was amazed by its splendour. "The value of this book is that it will act as a significant reference for future genera- tions. It does not take much to understand that this cem- etery is a living museum and therefore, it is our duty to do our part since this place is a witness of the heritage that was left to us by our ances- tors," he said. "Through this book, Herit- age Malta is delivering this important massage." Edited by George Agius and Godwin Vella, this lavishly illustrated book is bound to help the readers to look in a different way at the distinc- tive burial grounds of the Addolorata Cemetery. Compelling photos by Her- itage Malta photographer, Pierre Balzia, epitomise the odd feeling of beauty which prevails at this cemetery in the form of artistic tomb stones, sublime sculptures, refined ar- chitecture, bizarre structures and outstanding monuments. 'Iċ-Ċimiterju ta' Santa Marija Addolorata: Storja, Arti, Personalitajiet' will be available from Heritage Mal- ta's stand at the Book Festival (6-10 November) and from the respective museums and sites. New publication on Addolorata Cemetery

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