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MALTATODAY 3 November 2019

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 3 NOVEMBER 2019 21 COMMERCIAL 19 'REINVENTING Places through In- novation' will be the theme behind this year's Malta Architecture and Spatial Planning conference which is to be held at the Hilton Malta on Thursday. In its third edition, the conference aims to bring together foreign and lo- cal experts together with key public and private stakeholders in the Mal- tese economy to discuss and explore new ways on how Malta can address the challenges in land use development that are a result of the dynamic nature of architecture and spatial planning. This year, once again, the line-up of guest speakers will be of the highest calibre and will include Maxwell Hutch- inson, Architect, writer, TV & Radio presenter and former President of the Royal Institute of British Architects. He has presented a number of dis- tinguished architectural programmes for BBC, Channel 4 and The Discov- ery Channel. Other guest speakers will include Architect Sam Turner who worked on 'The Hoover Building', one of London's landmark buildings, Toby Blunt from Foster+Partners, who will speak about 'Bloomberg London' one of the highest BREEAM-rated major office buildings, Professor Richard England, Matt Lally from Arup, Archi- tect Jonathan Mizzi, David Moloney from PWC (UK), Lodewijk Abspoel, Stefan Webb from Future Cities Cata- pult, Arch. Matthew J. Mercieca, Lior Steinberg, co-founder of Humankind, Caldon Mercieca from Valletta Cul- tural Agency, Petra Biberbach from Planning Aid Scotland, Bernardine Sa- tariano from The President's Founda- tion for the Well-being of Society and ministers and their shadow. The workshops will be moderated by Perit Chris Briffa, KTP President Perit Simone Vella Lenicker and Prof Sav- iour Formosa. Johann Buttigieg, Chairperson of the PA's Executive Council said "This year's MASP conference will offer a framework for discussion on how in- novation can be used for the design of buildings to ensure a more pleasant, functional and sustainable environ- ment. We will explore what innova- tive technological tools are being used around the globe to find solutions to design and planning requirements and how social innovation can help us en- gage and empower people for more citizen involvement to address com- munity needs. Various experts from different countries and organisations will be brought together to share their experiences and creative ideas which, in turn, will foster into innovative ways Malta can meet its present challenges and future opportunities." Innovation at the centre of this year's national conference on architecture and spatial planning IN another special moment within Vassallo Group, Chairman Nazzareno Vassallo celebrated his anniversary of leading Vassallo Group for the past 52 years in an innovative way. The event was held in the same garage in Mosta where 52 years ago Vassallo started leading the group, first as managing director and later as group chairman. CEOs, directors and top manage- ment were invited to share their jour- ney as well as that of their companies, with Vassallo Group. The guests pre- sented their story through presenta- tions and videos to commemorate this special event. The Chairman himself closed off the event by sharing his personal story, going back to his first days taking over the business back in 1967. Since its inception in 1946, Vassallo Group started its operation in the con- struction industry and eventually di- versified its operation to other sectors including Elderly Care and Disability, Property Management, Bespoke Fur- niture, Hospitality, Catering, Sustain- able Energy and also Education. The event was catered by CaterEs- sence, the Group's catering arm. Nazzareno Vassallo marks 52nd anniversary at the helm of Vassallo Group FRANK Salt Real Estate's Gozo team has just returned from a trip to Sicily, where the property consultants cele- brated the Best Branch Award which was bestowed on them for 2018. This incentive weekend was organ- ised in recognition of the great team effort, outstanding performance in sales and letting of property and overall success achieved by the branch. The occasion also served as good bonding time and to also hon- our the branch's 30th anniversary. The group visited the southern part of Sicily, namely Ragusa Ibla, Noto and the charming Ortigia. They spent their time walking through the enchanting baroque cities and im- pressive promenades whilst savour- ing all that the Sicilian cuisine has to offer. Frank Salt Real Estate was the first estate agency to set up an office in Gozo and over the last three dec- ades it has strived to provide home- buyers and sellers with a professional and quality service that the company is renowned for. The Frank Salt Real Estate Gozo branch team celebrates in style in Sicily Maxwell Hutchinson

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