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MALTATODAY 3 November 2019

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9 The GFCM meeting which will run between the 4-8 No- vember, will see Malta trying to find a solution to the current clash between the Tunisian and Maltese fishermen. Camilleri said the European Commission had taken the view that a spatial dispute does indeed exist between Maltese and Tunisian fishers on lam- puki fishing, and is therefore expected to raise the issue in the next meeting of the GFCM in Greece. "I believe that now is the time for every effort to be made on our part to present a united front, together with our EU friends, and to engage con- structively with the Tunisian authorities in the quest for a permanent resolution of the is- sue," Camilleri had said. Since the dispute was laid bare in September when the season had just opened, the situation has remained the same, as more Tunisian vessels are flooding the Maltese fishing grounds. Fishermen who spoke with MaltaToday this week said that some Gozitan fishers have been so overrun, that they are turn- ing back and not even chancing confronting the Tunisians. The fishermen said that last year was a successful season for the Tunisians, leading them to invest in more vessels. "They are being completely overrun, and during a period which should see them get a high yield of fish, they are not even daring to go near them," he said. Paul Piscopo, from the Fish- ing Cooperative said that Malta must approach the situation in a diplomatic manner, or else it risks having other countries turning down its requests. "At the end of the day, they are fishing in international wa- ters, and according to interna- tional law, fishing devices that spend more than 48 hours at sea, no longer belong to any- one," he said. He also said that the area in question concerns three differ- ent countries, Malta, Italy and Tunisia. "Fishermen from all three of those countries have a right to fish in those waters, and so Malta must look to find a proper solution that benefits everyone," he said. Piscopo explained how the Tunisians have only recently started fishing for lampuki, but insisted that it has become widely popular, as the country is also exporting the fish to oth- er countries like Italy. "In the same way that we only started to fish for tuna just a couple of decades ago, the Tunisians have seen the economic poten- tial dolphin fish have, and they have the same legal right as we do to go out at sea and fish for it," he said. Monday's meeting will be the 43rd session, and will be held in Greece. The main objective of the GFCM is to ensure the conservation and the sustaina- ble use, at the biological, social, economic and environmental level, of living marine resourc- es as well as the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea. The GFCM is currently com- posed of 24 members (23 mem- ber countries and the European Union) who contribute to its autonomous budget to finance its functioning. maltatoday | SUNDAY • 3 NOVEMBER 2019 NEWS VIŻITATUR FIX-XAHAR QEGĦDIN JIBBENEFIKAW MINN DAN IS-SERVIZZ AKTAR MINN Court Services Agency Agenzija ghas-Servizzi tal-Qrati MINISTERU GĦALL-ĠUSTIZZJA, KULTURA U GVERN LOKALI skopri iktar hawn C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ICT Oct-Nov Advert 1.pdf 1 25/10/2019 10:05 diplomatic solution to Tunisian problem Photos taken by Maltese fishers of their Tunisian rivals: fishermen who spoke with MaltaToday this week said that some Gozitan fishers have been so overrun, that they are turning back and not even chancing confronting the Tunisians Serial burglar finally caught GEORGIAN national Avtandil Rusia, 37, was ar- rested in St Julian's in con- nection with a series of thefts from homes around Malta. The man was charged with burglaries from private residences in Rabat, Attard, Swieqi, St Julian's, Zebbug and Qormi, in which some €20,000 in cash, jewellery, per- fume and whiskey were stolen between 17-29 October. Rusia, a driver with no fixed address, pleaded not guilty. Bail was refused. He was arrested after days of surveillance by the police's criminal investigations de- partment, with the aid of district police. Police said the case shouldn't be seen in isolation, but was part of an investigation which has been ongoing for months as part of efforts to break or- ganised crime rings. Ta' Xbiex shooting A 44-year-old man from Msida was grievously in- jured after being shot at during the course of a vio- lent argument in Ta' Xbiex. The incident happened at around 2.10am yesterday in Triq Testaferrata, with the shooting having hap- pened after an argument transpired between the vic- tim and another party. The man was taken to Mater Dei hospital, where his in- juries were found to be seri- ous in nature. The police said that they are questioning an individ- ual in connection with the case. Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech has started an inquiry on the case and appointed various experts to assist her. Police investi- gations are ongoing.

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