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BUSINESSTODAY 9 January 2020

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09.01.2020 4 NEWS WORK-RELATED cancer is one of the biggest problems facing workplaces in the world, accounting for more than half of all work-related deaths in developed countries. Reducing exposure to carcinogens and mutagens effectively contributes to the prevention of cancer cases, as well as other significant non-cancer health problems caused by these substances. is in turn would lead to an improve- ment in the quality of life and well-being of workers and their families, prolong working lives as well as contribute to better productivity and competitiveness. With this in mind and whilst ensuring that the Maltese legislative framework is continuously updated to better re- flect technological changes, and in due consideration of the latest available scientific research, the Occupational Health and Safety Authority would like to inform that the regulations pertain- ing to the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcin- ogens or mutagens at work (Legal No- tice 122 of 2003) have been revised and updated. One of the fundamental principles of occupational health and safety is that risks to the safety and health of workers must be eliminated, or, if this is not pos- sible, reduced to a minimum. To this end, employers must identify and assess risks to workers associated with exposure to specific carcinogens and mutagens at the workplace. Moreover, they must prevent exposure where risks occur and substitute the hazardous process or chemical with and non-hazardous or less-hazardous ones when this is technically possible. In cases where such substitution is not possible, chemical carcinogens must, as far as it is technically possible, be man- ufactured and used in a closed system to prevent workers' exposure. Where this is not possible either, worker exposure must be reduced to as low a level as is technically possible. Whilst taking all this into account, the new regulation sets out new Occupa- tional Exposure Limit Values (OELVs) for a number of carcinogens and revises OELVs for two carcinogens. It also accounts for the possibility of penetration through the skin for certain substances, in order to ensure the best possible level of protection. e main aim is thus to further im- prove the protection of workers against the health risks arising from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at the place of work with a consequential reduction in potential new cases of occupational can- cer in the affected workers in the forth- coming years. In particular, hardwood dusts and chromium (VI) compounds which are carcinogens have lower OELVs (2 and 0.005 mg/m3) respec- tively. ese affect a number of i n d u s t r i e s namely the woodworking industry, furni- ture manufacturing and construction in the case of hardwood dusts as well as the production and use of chromium-containing pigments, paints and metal (con- version) coatings in the case of chro- mium (VI) compounds. Other carcinogens introduced include refractory ceramic fibres (0.3f/ml), res- pirable crystalline silica dust (0.1 mg/ m3), benzene (3.25 mg/m3), vinyl chlo- ride monomer (2.6 mg/m3 and 1ppm), ethylene oxide (1.8 mg/m3 and 1ppm), 1,2-epoxypropane (2.4 mg/m3 and 1ppm), 2-nitropropane (18 mg/m3 and 5ppm), 1,3-butadiene (2.2 mg/m3 and 1ppm) and bromoethylene (4.4 mg/m3 and 1ppm). In the case of five substances, there is now the introduction of provisions to cater for absorption through the skin. ese are benzene (3.25 mg/m3 and 1ppm) which is used in the manu- facturing of tire/rubber, chemical and plastic products) and ethylene oxide (1.8 mg/m3 and 1ppm) which is used in the manufacture of food products, textiles, chemi- cals, chemical p r o d u c t s , m e d i c a l , precision and optical instru- ments, watches and clocks, hospital and industrial sterilization, R&D, public administration and defence, education, health and social work. Another two substances which are of particular interest in the manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres, manufacture of rub- ber products, education, research and development, other business activities, health and social work, public adminis- tration and defence are o-Toluidine (0.5 mg/m3 and 0.1ppm, absorption through the skin) and acrylamide (0.1 mg/m3, absorption through the skin). Absorption of the carcinogen hydra- zine through the skin (0.013 mg/m3 and 0.01ppm) will affect chemical blowing agents, agricultural pesticides and water treatment. OHSA would like to recommend all employers, workers and self-employed to have a look at these regulations and ensure that the legal provisions are being followed. New regulations on carcinogens and mutagens at work MALTA Tourism Authority an- nounces the appointment of its new Director for Italy. Ester Tamasi, a name that is well known in the Italian market having been part of the MTA team for over 10 years, will succeed Claude Zammit Trevisan at the helm of MTA's Italian office. Gavin Gulia, Chairman Malta Tourism Authority, welcomed Ester to her new position "We are sure that Ester will be able to follow up on the important goals achieved by the outgo- ing Director, Claude Zammit Trevisan, who, having acquired a strong international experience in the UK, France and Italy markets, will return to Malta to devote himself to new projects of a global nature on behalf of the Au- thority," he said. Carlo Micallef, Deputy CEO & Chief Marketing Officer, Malta Tourism Authority, said: "After a careful selection among the doz- ens of applications received, we chose without hesitation Ester Tamasi, rewarding her undenia- ble knowledge of the market and the tourism sector in Italy, as well as her proven propensity for adopting a dynamic and fresh ap- proach to promotional strategies. By promoting Ester from her pre- vious role, already fundamental in MTA, we wanted to ensure an important methodological conti- nuity that will certainly be appre- ciated by our partners." Ester Tamasi comes to the po- sition of Director after having held the designation of Marketing Manager in recent years and hav- ing acquired more than a decade of experience within the MTA team, playing a fundamental role in the re-launch of the Italian of- fice, in 2009. Starting with a degree in Tour- ism Sciences, Ester's career is wholly dedicated to the sector. She has held many operational roles in the hotel & hospitality, transportation and tour operating sectors, which have enabled her to consolidate the foundations of her preparation. She has also obtained numerous degrees of specialisation and ad- vanced training, both in Italy and abroad. Since 2017 she has coordinat- ed the launch of the brand Con- ventions Malta in Italy, of which she has become the main contact for MTA for the MICE segment, achieving excellent results in terms of product positioning and development. Ester Tamasi appointed new MTA director in Italy

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