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BT 54 16 April 2020

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16.04.2020 TRENDSETTING SCOOTER 001 SHARING THE PRESENT, SO WE CAN BUILD A BETTER FUTURE. ONE APP. OVER 450 SHARED VEHICLES. Join the shared mobility revolution with GoTo starting at €0.16* per minute. * Rate per minute for Scooter trips on the GoTo Business Plan. Terms and Conditions apply. APPLE is aggregating data from the Ap- ple Maps app, with the goal of helping governments and health authorities as they attempt to limit the spread of Cov- id-19. On Tuesday, Apple released a new mo- bility data trends tool that aims to pro- vide insights to governments and health authorities as they attempt to limit the spread of Covid-19. e tech company said that the data and insights may be useful as a foundation for public policies, by suggesting the change in the number of people driving, walking or taking public transit in their commu- nities. Like Google's data released earlier this month, the Apple data is searchable by country, region and city. Apple's mobility reports are published daily and reflect re- quests for directions in Apple Maps. e company said that the data aggre- gated in these reports is not associated with any user's Apple ID and does not keep a history of where users have been. It added that data is sent from users' de- vices to the Maps service with random, rotating identifiers so that Apple doesn't have a profile of any user's movements or searches. "e information is generated by count- ing the number of requests made to Ap- ple Maps for directions," the company said. "e data sets are then compared to reflect a change in volume of people driving, walking or taking public transit around the world." However, it's worth noting that not every user who inputs an address into Apple Maps is going to visit the final destination. e company has also updated Apple apps and services with information about Covid-19, and is prioritising grocery, food delivery and medical services on Apple Maps searches. Partnering with Google Apple has also joined forces with Google to enable the use of Bluetooth technology for a contact-tracing system to help gov- ernments and health agencies reduce the spread of the virus. In May, the two com- panies plan to release APIs that enable in- teroperability between Android and iOS devices for an opt-in tracing tool. e two firms said they will work to enable a broader Bluetooth-based con- tact-tracing platform, while ensuring that user privacy and security is central to the design of this new project. New Apple tool maps mobility data trends

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