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09.07.2020 10 TOWNSCAPES NEW proposed planning poli- cies have been published by the Planning Authority to further ena-ble the site of the Marsa Sports Complex and its imme- diate vicinity to be transformed into an internationally recog- nised sports hub. e review has divided the Marsa Sports Complex site into four zones and is propos- ing a max-imum cumulative built footprint of not more than 60,000sqm. e primary facili- ties of Zone A will need to be associated with the following sport disciplines namely gym- nastics, weightlift-ing, squash, athletics, football, handball, softball, rugby and both in- door and outdoor archery. A high-performance training centre with a multipurpose sta- dium and indoor pool will be encour-aged. Ancillary land use facilities may include spectator stands, tourism accommodation, of- fices, clubhouses and food and drink outlets. Any buildings within this zone shall not ex- ceeding 20m above sea level and need to be of high archi- tectural design quality. An area to the north of this zone, covering a footprint of 6,000m2 is proposed to be des- ignated as a public picnic area and is to include furniture con- ducive to the enjoyment of the area. In Zone B, the land may pri- marily be used for internation- al standard facilities related to horse racing (trotter and flat), equestrian sports (polo, show jumping, dressage), training areas and stables. Ancillary fa- cilities within this zone may in- clude a grandstand, clubhous- es, assembly and leisure, food and drink outlets and betting shops. An area within this zone is being desig-nated for sec- ondary uses and may include commercial facilities. Within this zone, it is being proposed that up to 9,000m2 is designated as a multi-storey car park and bus depot. e facades of any buildings within this area need to be screened off with vertical green wall and have appropriate maintenance agreements. In Zone C, the land use must be related to golf facilities and a golf academy. Ancillary facil- ities may include clubhouses, offices and food and drink out- lets. e proposed land use in Zone D will be facilities related to the sport disciplines of ten- nis, squash and cricket. Ancil- lary facilities may be the same as for Zone C. An area to the north-east of the site is to be reserved for the upgrading of the road net- work as part of the project to improve traffic flow along Triq Aldo Moro. rough this review policy, especially given the nature of the site, the Authority is also encour-aging a strong element of green infrastructure to be incorporated into any upgrad- ing or rede-velopment of exist- ing facilities. e review is also proposing some amendments to condi- tions that had been approved as part of Planning control application PC 51/16. e site which is adjacent to the Marsa horseracing track and which today have been developed with the Centreparc Shopping Mall will in certain parts be al- lowed to increase its building height by a further two floors. All public opens spaces must remain safeguarded and effec- tively landscaped and main- tained. e proposed amendments signify that three local plans, that of the Grand Harbour, South Malta and Central Mal- ta will have their site-specific planning policies changed. e public and all interested stakeholders are being invited to submit their comments on the proposed revised policy for the Marsa Sports Complex area. Representations are to be made in writing and sent through e-mail address: ghlp@ e proposed policy document and maps together with the public submissions re- ceived during the initial phase of consultation are available on the Authority's website www. Submissions are to reach the Authority by 10th July 2020. Turning Marsa sports complex into an internationally-recognised sports hub

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