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MALTATODAY 2 August 2020

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The Venice Commission The Venice Commission welcomes the efforts of the Maltese authorities to implement various recommendations of its 2018 Opinion and welcomes that they do so based on a dialogue with the Commission. Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis These reforms are more far-reaching than the 1974 reform of our Republic, the 1987 reform which introduced proportional representation, and the neutrality clause in our Constitution. This is a significant breakthrough for our country. Prime Minister Robert Abela The Government is implementing an unprecedented first set of reforms to strengthen good governance and the judiciary. These reforms are also expected to improve Malta's reputation abroad and are crucial to improving the country's robust system of checks and balances. What has been said about the reforms? e next steps Thanks to the cooperation of the Opposition, the necessary reforms will now be implemented as quickly as possible. The reform process, completed in just a few short months, will then continue with the Constitutional Convention launched by the President of Malta.

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