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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 2 AUGUST 2020 8 ART Maltese and Gozitan children display their work at MUZA MUŻA, the National Com- munity Art Museum, is ex- hibiting a selection of works from children aged sixteen and under, submitted as part of Heritage Malta's 'Be the Artist' initiative. The second in a trilogy of exhibitions, the works cur- rently displayed focus on the themes of prehistoric temples, traditional con- fections, and pose for art. These themes formed part of the online competition, which was aimed at keeping children inspired during the COVID-19 pandemic. First Lady, Mrs Miriam Vella, expressed satisfaction at the initiatives taken by Heritage Malta in local cul- ture and art even during the COVID-19 pandemic. She greeted and thanked all the teachers as well as the par- ents who in these months did their utmost to ensure their children's education remains undisrupted. Between April and June, the 'Be the Artist' initiative called for artistic submis- sions from children aged 16 and under, in accordance to the various themes proposed by Heritage Malta. Maltese and Gozitan children sub- mitted over 260 artistic piec- es. "Heritage Malta seeks to reach out to all generations," Mario Cutajar, Heritage Malta's Executive Director, said. "The 'Be the Artist' in- itiative gathered a successful response from very talented children and teenagers." "Now that our sites and museums are open once again, I look forward to wel- coming youths making use of their Student Passports," Noel Zammit, Heritage Mal- ta's CEO said. The popular Student Passport Summer programme also includes various activities within Heritage Malta's sites. Tickets are available on Heritage Malta's 'Be the Artist' winners welcomed at the National Museum

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