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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 21 NOVEMBER 2021 5 BOOKS BY nature, readers are intrigued by conflict. Human struggle is caused by people's pride, ine- quality, identity, ambition, lust, and rage. All are present in John Portelli's Everyone but Fajza. In his novel, each of the protag- onists tread a journey of their own, and battle with their own demons along the way. The title Everyone but Fajza functions as a 'guiding light' to events in the story. Aside from the opening and final sec- tions, the story literally centres around everyone but Fajza. The conflicting media reports of Fajza's assault at the start of the story mirror the conflicts faced by each character as the drama unfolds. Following the sense of mys- tery around the precise details of Fajza's attack, each chapter centres around a character tell- ing their own story. From the start, the idea that people can sometimes be their own worse enemy immediately surfaces. Different strands of conflict emerge in every chapter where the character is pitted against society, another individual, cir- cumstances and him- or her- self. Once the reader learns about Fajza's gunshot wounds in the opening section, the plot glides from one character to anoth- er. Each chapter brings a dif- ferent perspective to the story from a new point of view. Each story told has an influence on the reader's interpretation and experience of the events in Portelli's tale. Hence, the read- er is a witness to the story and is watching events happen as they unfold. Every character turns to the reader and talks to them directly, telling them his or her thoughts. Throughout the novel, the reader wonders if Fajza will survive the shooting incident or if she will succumb to her wounds. Although there are multiple points of view, the reader is in no way ever detached from the intimacy of each character since, in their own individual way, each character is connect- ed to the cause of the shooting incident. There are also flash- backs which serve as interjec- tions of background informa- tion that help us understand the relevance of the main sto- ryline. The characters in Portelli's novel are brought to life as he gives the reader a win- dow into their mind. What the characters do in certain situations de- fines them. As a reader we are encouraged to empathise and find our- selves asking what we would do in a similar situation. This allows us to identify with the ficti- tious characters and see life through their eyes. At points in the nov- el the characters are presented as victims of their time and place, thus permitting Portelli to comment on various, and sometimes unjust, aspects of society. Ref- erences to the political situation under Dom Mintoff and the Brit- ish are also present. Themes of self-identi- ty, family relations due to traditional and more progressive beliefs, and multi-culturalism emerge. Despite the multiple perspectives in Every- one but Fajza, the read- er is never left confused because each character has something unique to contribute to the story. Their compelling per- spectives make the book both a gripping and en- tertaining read. Moreo- ver, the multiple points of view allow the reader to see all sides to the story. Hence, the reader is inclined to guess who is mostly respon- sible for the assault of Fajza once we read their construc- tion of events and absorb their distinctive personalities. Everyone but Fajza is filled with emotions, uncertainty, and a forbidden romance. It is a story of people's fates inter- mingling. And it is a story told by many different voices along the way thus allowing Fajza's voice to echo through their own since she never talks to the reader directly. Ultimately, Portelli's Every- one but Fajza is a multi-narra- tive where different souls from different backgrounds and beliefs cross paths while grap- pling with the complexities of life. Book review 'Everyone but Fajza' by John P. Portelli John P. Portelli

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