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MALTATODAY 26 December 2021 LOOKING BACK edition

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 DECEMBER 2021 14 COMMERCIAL Melita carbon neutral in 2022, joins UN Race to Zero MELITA Ltd. announced that it will be carbon neutral from 2022, one year ahead of its pre- viously announced target of being carbon neutral by 2023. Melita also confirmed that it has sent its commitment let- ter to join the United Nations' Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). This initiative aims to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement by reduc- ing greenhouse gasses to a lev- el which is predicted to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Being carbon neutral means that the carbon emissions from the daily running of Melita's business, which include direct emissions from company ve- hicles, and indirect emissions from the electricity used to provide services, are balanced by carbon reduction and offset activities. Melita will achieve carbon neutrality firstly through a range of initiatives, already carried out, which have limited carbon emissions, and second- ly by investing in international renewable energy projects to offset the remainder. Melita's calculations and pro- gress have been independently verified by Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy ef- ficiency and sustainability. As part of the efforts to re- duce emissions, Melita has in- vested substantially: initiatives include installing solar pan- els at the Melita Data Centre and investing millions in the company's mobile and fixed networks to reduce electrici- ty consumption - particularly through dynamic power op- timisation in Melita's nation- wide Ericsson 5G network; in- stalling intelligent lighting and cooling systems across sites and retail outlets. Melita started rolling out a fleet of electric vehicles early in 2020; further reduction of emissions will be achieved by switching almost 40% of com- pany vehicles to electric during 2022. This will continue as vehicles become obsolete, with 90% of the fleet predicted to be pow- ered by electricity by 2025. Melita also plans to build ad- ditional solar farms in Malta to generate green power for its operations. To reduce emissions through- out its supply chain, Melita will use Malta-based suppliers whenever feasible and apply environmentally friendly pur- chasing policies, further cut- ting emissions generated by transportation. Melita will also prioritise sup- pliers that have similar carbon neutrality targets and work with other partners to reduce emissions. Harald Roesch, CEO at Mel- ita, said, "In all our decisions, including our network up- grades, we take into account the impact on the environ- ment, and especially how we can minimise or reduce carbon emissions. As we will always need electrical power for our operations, Melita supports in- ternational renewable energy projects to offset the remain- der, whilst continuing to invest to reduce our carbon emis- sions". Melita Ltd. will be carbon neutral from 2022, one year ahead of its previously announced target of being carbon neutral by 2023 BOV bowling national youth championships SARA Xuereb, who flew down from the US where she is cur- rently studying, won the under 23 female championships for a record 9 times in a row, well ahead of Ruslana Grima and NSS student Karlise Bartolo, who just managed to beat Kath- ryn Fenech by 2 pins (2872 vs 2870) over the 18 games. The boys section saw 5 of the 13 players battling it out, but NSS student Lagana', who had just won the under 16 category the previous day, was in a class of his own on the last day, as he fin- ished with a 210 average, almost 180 pins ahead of Dwayne Zah- ra. Zahra clinched 2nd place just 8 pins ahead of Miguel Xuereb. Lagana' also dominated the un- der 16 category ahead of 12 year old Nicolai Mallia, with Chris Fenech coming 3rd. Fenech, who played the highest game of all categories throughout the weekend with a brilliant 278, was injured on the second day and unfortunately had to withdraw from the last day of the under 23 section of these championships The ladies under 16 was a hotly contested competition between the 2 Bonnici Group team- mates, Karlise Bartolo and Kath- ryn Fenech. Fenech emerged the winner on 1920 against 1900 of Bartolo. Mia Bugeja finished in 3rd place, a further 150 pins be- hind. The Under-12 category was a joint girls and boys event, with Nicolai Mallia running away with it with a 1455 over 8 games, well ahead of his younger broth- er Mikhail Mallia (1046). NSS student Jade Barbara finished in 3rd place. Ernest Agius, Chief Officer at Bank of Valletta, accompanied by MTBA President Paul Bal- dacchino presented the trophies to the winners. Bank of Valletta is a major sup- porter of sporting activities in Malta and Gozo as part of ESG commitments towards sustaina- bility.

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