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9 EDITORIAL BusinessToday is published every Thursday. The newspaper is a MediaToday publication and is distributed to all leading stationers, business and financial institutions and banks. MANAGING EDITOR: SAVIOUR BALZAN EDITOR: PAUL COCKS BusinessToday, MediaToday, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN9016, Malta Newsroom email: Advertising: Telephone: 00356 21 382741 PACEVILLE has been Malta's foremost entertainment spot for decades, pro- viding a dynamic environment that has evolved over the decades. e place has seen countless outlets changing genre, reinventing them- selves and transforming over time to try and capture prevalent trends. e offering today is dominated by gentle- men's clubs and may lack the diversi- ty of the past but Paceville remains an entertainment hub that attracts thou- sands of patrons at night and most es- pecially during the weekend. But the locality is also a growing home during daytime for office work- ers employed in the gaming and finan- cial sectors. And the new high-end developments going up in the environs will soon see the area home to a grow- ing residential population. Within this context, the zone needs a different level of policing to ensure the fun and inebriation does not turn into chaos. e latest two incidents that have been reported in Paceville – one in- volving a fight between several men where a sword was used, and another involving a man who just entered a restaurant and caused mayhem – are cause for concern at a time when the entertainment and tourist industries are finding their feet after two years of disruptions caused by the pandemic. It has to be said that similar incidents are not new but in a post-COVID con- text it would help to have the area bet- ter-policed in anticipation of a summer season that will see young people re- turning to the party scene in force. Incidents will obviously continue to happen but a more visible presence could help to reduce the incidence and offer a quicker response when prob- lems arise. More police resources must be ded- icated to ensuring that Malta's enter- tainment zones are safe and secure thus putting the minds of patrons at rest. But Paceville is not the only hotspot with the Nationalist Party last week calling for greater police presence in Gozo's main entertainment hubs in Xlendi, Marsalforn and Mġarr. Party spokespersons Alex Borg and Joe Giglio said the expected influx of people in Gozo during the summer re- quired better policing. e return of village feasts, large par- ties and outdoor events are a welcome boon for operators in the entertain- ment industry. Apart from enabling a return to social normality they also help to get the wheels of the economy turning and serve as attractions for tourism. is increased human interaction will inevitably bring about problems of law and order, including social misbehav- iour and vandalism. While allowing people the space to have fun and relax without undue re- strictions, it is in everyone's interest that safety and security are guaranteed and the right balance is sought to en- sure residents are respected. is leader believes that more re- sources must be dedicated to policing Malta's entertainment hotspots and the government must ensure the police force receives the right investment to be able to do so effectively. Safety and security are important ele- ments that investors will look at when deciding whether to relocate or open a branch in a new jurisdiction. Malta has a reputation of being a safe place but this image must not lull the authorities into complacency. e horrible murder of a foreign woman in a Sliema public garden at the turn of the year was a shocking re- minder that Malta is not immune to such barbarities. Having police stationed everywhere is unrealistic and unwarranted but an effective system of community polic- ing, coupled with a rapid response sys- tem when problems arise, is desirable. Malta, including its entertainment spots, must remain a safe space for peo- ple to relax and businesses to thrive. Creating a safe space for fun and business 2.6.2022

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