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Name Current Change %Change Open High Low Prev. Value Close US MARKETS NASDAQ 13,037.49 -344.03 -2.57 13511.75 13533.78 13032.17 13381.52 EUROPEAN MARKETS FTSE 7,251.31 -246.87 -3.29 7498.18 7498.18 7243.44 7498.18 CAC 6,451.79 -328.88 -4.85 6496.25 6617.09 6433.51 6780.67 DAX 13,854.52 -776.84 -5.31 13989.41 14221.71 13826.70 14631.36 ASIAN MARKETS SGX Nifty 16,141.00 -109.00 -0.67 17052.50 17115.00 15500.50 17063.00 Nikkei 225 25,970.82 -478.79 -1.81 26281.35 26357.58 25775.64 26449.61 Straits Times 3,276.06 -116.94 -3.45 3351.24 3363.17 3248.93 3393.00 Hang Seng 22,901.56 -758.72 -3.21 23268.03 23376.37 22786.39 23660.28 Taiwan Weighted 17,594.55 -461.18 -2.55 17939.53 17939.53 17561.07 18055.73 KOSPI 2,648.80 -70.73 -2.60 2689.28 2694.55 2642.63 2719.53 SET Composite 1,662.72 -33.73 -1.99 1683.92 1690.50 1656.62 1696.45 Jakarta Composite 6,817.82 -102.24 -1.48 6912.48 6929.91 6758.86 6920.06 Shanghai Composite 3,429.96 -59.19 -1.70 3474.37 3486.98 3400.21 3489.15 2.6.2022 7 MARKETS International Markets Global Indices Trading Date: 1 June 2022 European stocks lower as euro zone inflation hits record EUROPEAN stocks were lower at midday Wednesday as inves- tors were spooked by a w o r s e - t h a n - e x p e c t e d jump in euro zone infla- tion to a record high in May, raising fears of fast- er interest rate rises, and a surging oil price as Eu- ropean Union leaders im- posed more curbs on Rus- sian crude exports. The pan-European Stoxx 600 was down 0.50% in early trade. Only Britain's energy-heavy FTSE 100 was up as the oil price pushed above $120 in the wake of a European Un- ion decision to stop more than two thirds of Russian crude exports in response to its invasion of Ukraine. "The upwards trajec- tory of the oil price may well have room left to run until a solid outline of how supply is going to be sourced," said Hargreaves Lansdown analyst Sophie Lund-Yates. Inflation in the single currency block jumped to a new record high of 8.1% in May, beating forecasts of 7.7%, and four times the European Central Bank's 2% target. This added to news on Monday that German EU-harmonised inflation hit 8.7% in May, much higher than fore- casts of 8%, and up from 7.8% in April. Meanwhile in France, the figure hit a record of 5.8% in May, up from 5.4% in April, according to pre- liminary data. In equity news, shares in B&M European Value Retail fell more than 11% after the company report- ed flat results for fiscal 2022 and warned of mark- downs during the current financial year. Shares of Dutch spe- cialty chemicals company DSM surged trade after it announced a cash and shares merger deal with Swiss peer Firmenich. German chemicals firm Lanxess jumped after an- nouncing a joint venture with private equity firm Advent to buy DSM's en- gineering business for €3.7bn. Unilever shares climbed after the British consumer goods giant named Amer- ican activist investor Nel- son Peltz to its board.

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