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8 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 5 JUNE 2022 KARL AZZOPARDI NEWS CONTINUED FROM PGAE 1 MaltaToday arrived at the discrepancies by comparing the original mileage recorded by JEVIC in an online database that is accessible to everyone with the mileage appearing in the system that was accessed by our sources. MaltaToday understands that the authorities are inves- tigating the racket and that at least 300 case files at Transport Malta have been flagged as sus- picious, some dating back as far as 2019. The racket is facilitated by what appears to be compla- cency of officials at Trans- port Malta, who do not bother cross-checking physical docu- mentation presented to them by car dealers when they regis- ter the imported vehicles with the online records at JEVIC that would indicate the true mileage. How does the racket work? A second-hand car dealership in Malta appoints a representa- tive who is tasked with bidding for the cars in auctions that take place in Japan. The Maltese importer sets a maximum bidding price that is normally linked to the make and mileage of the car. If the bid is successful, JEVIC inspectors carry out a review and issue a certificate of ap- proval. In its pre-export report JEVIC includes the car model, date of inspection, location of inspection, vehicle identifica- tion number (chassis number), odometer type and reading, certification number and the inspector's details. This information is logged in a database that is easily ac- cessible online using the car's chassis number. Industry sources told Malt- aToday that the racket starts the moment the cars arrive in Malta. When they are offloaded at Laboratory Wharf in the Grand Harbour, the police have to fill in the Vehicle 5 (VEH 005) customs and police inspection form. The manual form contains several fields, including one where the car's dashboard mileage is listed. However, it appears that dealers often use the excuse that the car battery has been exhausted as a result of the length of time it took the cargo ship to reach Malta so that the dashboard mileage cannot be read. In these instances, the in- spector leaves the mileage field blank so that the dealer can fill it in later when the car is start- ed using a booster. Sources have indicated that although there may be genuine cases of car batteries that fall flat, many times these would have been disconnected by the dealer. The blank field allows rogue dealers to write down the tam- pered mileage at a later stage. Reversing the mileage Once the car is at the deal- ers' yard, it is taken to an auto garage, where the mileage is tampered with and reduced. Sources have indicated at least one such garage situated in San Ġwann where the odometer is tampered with to reflect the dealer's desired mileage. In tandem, a forged JEVIC certificate listing the fake mile- age is printed at a printing press in the south of Malta. The new fake mileage is also listed in the empty field of the port inspection form. Industry sources said that the documentation, including the forged JEVIC certificate is then presented to Transport Malta. In what appears to be incom- petence at best and corrup- tion at worst, the TM official VEH 005 CUSTOMS AND POLICE INSPECTION FORM TO BE USED TO REGISTER A USED VEHICLE IMPORTED FROM NON EU (To be filled In duplicate) Transport Malta Land Transport Directorate Telephone: (00356) 2556 0000/8007 2393 Website: A. Importer Details (1) Importer Details: Date of Arrival: * HS Commodity Code: * TDID No.: PREVIOUS CUSTOMS DOCUMENT (IF APPLICABLE) Attached Returned Migrant I hereby declare that the information above is true, complete and correct. Signature of Importer: ID Card No: Date: Remarks: For TM use only: B. Vehicles & Engine Details – Inspection by Police (NOT applicable for vehicles imported from the UK) Make: Model: Body Type: Colour: Chassis No: Doors: Seating Capacity: GVW Kg: Year of Manufacture: Mileage: Length: CO2: Particulate matter (Diesel engine only) Engine Make: Engine No: Cubic Capacity: Fuel: Remarks: Police Stamp & Signature: MALTA POLICE S.V.S. - Please be advised that this document contains the details of the vehicle inspected, as seen by the Police S.V.S Examiners and does not give a bearing on whether the vehicle inspected is stolen or otherwise. C. FOR CUSTOMS OFFICIAL USE Customs Value (CIF €): Vehicle Value (words): Duty Paid (€): Restriction for Transfer and Conversion Remarks Date: Officer's Name: Stamp / Signature: (1) To be filled in by Importer in Blue Ink. HS Code; TDID No., Date of Importation and Vessel Importation are being confirmed correct by Customs Officer signing this form. Version 4 – 5 th January 2021 Authority for Transport in Malta set up by ACT XV of 2009 Page 1 of 2 THE CATCH When the cars are offloaded at Laboratory Wharf in the Grand Harbour, the police have to fill in the Vehicle 5 (VEH 005) customs and police inspection form. The manual form contains several fields, including one where the car's dashboard mileage is listed. However, it appears that dealers often use the excuse that the car battery has been exhausted as a result of the length of time it took the cargo ship to reach Malta so that the dashboard mileage cannot be read Used car swindle: tampered mileage and faked certificates for Japan vehicles HOW THE SCAM WORKS A MaltaToday investigation finds out how used Japan-car buyers are being swindled