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7.7.2022 6 MARKETS Symbol Volume Value Trades High Low Open Closing Change Code Traded Traded Trades Price Price Price Price EQUITIES APS 86,500 56,756.13 8 0.665 0.650 0.660 0.665 0.005 BMIT 150,000 70,500.00 5 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.000 IHI 80,000 54,250.00 3 0.680 0.670 0.680 0.670 0.010 MIA 2,900 17,275.00 3 6.000 5.950 5.950 6.000 0.050 MMS 5,000 9,000.00 1 1.800 1.800 1.800 1.800 -0.010 SFC 2,700 20,250.00 2 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.500 0.300 GOVERNMENT STOCKS G29B 453,000 457,983.00 2 101.100 101.100 101.100 101.100 1.060 G30A 2,200 2,666.62 1 121.210 121.210 121.210 121.210 0.730 G39A 5,000 4,500.00 1 90.000 90.000 90.000 90.000 0.000 CORPORATE BONDS AX32A 10,000 10,048.00 2 100.480 100.480 100.480 100.480 0.480 DN33A 20,500 21,236.02 5 103.600 103.490 103.490 103.600 0.600 FR32A 20,000 20,000.00 2 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.000 GH27A 60,000 60,900.00 2 101.500 101.500 101.500 101.500 0.500 GO31A 35,600 35,742.40 4 100.400 100.400 100.400 100.400 0.000 HF27A 6,000 6,060.00 1 101.000 101.000 101.000 101.000 0.500 HF29A 10,000 9,850.00 1 98.500 98.500 98.500 98.500 1.490 IH26A 3,700 3,718.50 1 100.500 100.500 100.500 100.500 0.500 MR26A 1,000 1,000.00 1 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 -1.400 MY32A 72,900 74,505.20 3 102.400 101.950 101.950 102.400 0.400 ON34A 3,100 3,158.90 1 101.900 101.900 101.900 101.900 -0.100 PC26A 8,000 8,080.00 2 101.000 101.000 101.000 101.000 -0.490 SA32A 400 409.96 4 102.490 102.490 102.490 102.490 0.000 SH32A 9,000 8,820.00 2 98.000 98.000 98.000 98.000 2.000 SM31A 17,200 17,720.00 5 104.000 103.000 103.000 104.000 1.000 ST29A 10,000 10,100.00 1 101.000 101.000 101.000 101.000 0.990 TI24A 500 503.00 1 100.600 100.600 100.600 100.600 -1.400 VR27A 12,600 12,705.50 3 100.990 100.250 100.250 100.990 0.990 Malta Stock Exchange Regulated Main Market Trading Date: 6 July 2022 EU plans investment in world's tallest dam to dent Russia's energy clout THE European Union plans to become the top investor in the world's tallest dam in Tajikistan, EU officials told Reuters, in a move aimed at helping Central Asia cut its reliance on Russian energy and part of EU's answer to China's Belt and Road Initiative. Tajikistan began in 2016 the con- struction of the giant hydropower Rogun plant, which could deliver full energy independence to the landlocked former Soviet Union nation. e EU's investment arm, the European Investment Bank (EIB), has so far not funded the project, whose main developer is Italian construction firm Webuild (WBD. MI). But an EIB spokesman told Reu- ters this week that the bank has now been asked by the European Commission to become "the larg- est investor" in the project. Rogun is expected to cost around $8 billion, of which $3 billion have already been spent, the Tajik en- ergy minister Dalyor Juma told Reuters in June. While it has been largely financed by Tajik govern- ment's bonds and private loans up to now, the government in Du- shanbe has requested EU financial and technological support in com- pleting the project, an EU official familiar with the talks said. e EIB spokesman declined to comment on the size of the possi- ble investment and on the reasons for the new commitment. e bank has invested in Cen- tral Asia about 182 million euros ($186.8 million) between 2014 and 2020, a fraction of its multi-bil- lion-euro investments outside the EU's 27-nation bloc. e EU official said a key reason for the EU to become a top inves- tor in the hydropower dam was to make Tajikistan and its neighbours independent from Russian energy. e EU is interested in pursuing "Central Asia energy independ- ence from Russia," the official said. Brussels and its Western allies have been trying to isolate Russia in response to its February inva- sion of Ukraine. e Rogun hydropower plant, with its 335-metre-tall clay core rockfill dam which the developers say will make it the tallest in the world once completed, is expect- ed to end chronic power shortages in Tajikistan and allow it to export electricity to Uzbekistan and Ka- zakhstan. Oil is Tajikistan's main import from Russia, while Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan import Russian gas, largely using imported energy to supply areas well interconnect- ed with Russian infrastructure, even as both are themselves gas producers. e funding would be part of the EU's "Global Gateway" strategy, the EU official said. Brussels un- veiled the 300 billion euro global infrastructure spending plan in December as a better, greener al- ternative to China's Belt and Road Initiative. Beijing launched its plan in 2013 to boost its trade links with the rest of the world and Central Asia is among the regions where China has since heavily invested. e EIB spokesman said the bank was considering a joint investment with the European Commission, which controls the EU multi-bil- lion-euro budget and like the EIB can also raise money in the mar- kets. e EU executive confirmed that the bloc was open to finance the hydropower Rogun dam pro- ject. FARSONS SFC ORD SHARES

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