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MaltaToday 30 October 2022

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 30 OCTOBER 2022 16 A Built Environment Economy driven by sustainable values IT is well known that the development of an economy is driven by confidence and aspiration. As we hop from a global health crisis to new geo-political ones, all sec- tors of leadership should be asking – what kind of f uture should we be forging during these disruptive experiences? Buildings account for around 40% of the final energy con- sumption in Malta. Making buildings more energy effi- cient will contribute signifi- cantly to Malta achieving its energy and climate ambitions. The building sector is cru- cial for achieving Malta's and the EU's energy and environ- mental goals. At the same time, better and more energy efficient buildings will im- prove the quality of citizens' life and alleviate energy pov- erty while bringing additional benefits, such as better health and indoor comfort levels and green jobs. EU directives on this matter promote pol- icies that will help achieve a highly energy efficient and decarbonised building stock by 2050, create a stable envi- ronment for investment deci- sions and enable consumers and businesses to make more informed choices to save en- ergy and money. The EU has proposed to move from the current near- ly zero-energy buildings to zero-emission buildings by 2030. This commitment ap- plies to Malta too. According to the directive's proposal, a zero emission building (ZEB) is defined as a building with a very high en- ergy performance, with the very low amount of energy still required fully covered by energy from renewable sourc- es and without on-site carbon emissions from fossil fuels. The ZEB requirement should apply as of 1 January 2030 to all new buildings, and as of 1 January 2027 to all new build- ings occupied or owned by public authorities. As responsible building in- dustry players, all with our own areas of influence and change-makers in our own right, we should be able to look at our children in the eye and confidently and tangibly reassure them that we are do- ing our level best to ensure that we are accountable to them and to their ambitions and aspirations. Leaders across business, politics and society are be- ing asked to deliver on these energy efficient building ob- jectives collaboratively with honesty, integrity, respon- sibility and credibility. The Building & Construction Au- thority in Malta believes that this is our calling also. It is a mission we must accomplish successfully.

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