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11 MALTATODAY SURVEY maltatoday | SUNDAY • 11 DECEMBER 2022 15.3%, followed by Foreign Minister Ian Borg, who clocked 9.9%. In third place is Gozo Minis- ter Clint Camilleri with 4.7%, followed by Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and Economy Minister Silvio Schembri, each with 4%. Education Minister Clifton Grima with 3.6% and veteran Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon with 3.4% make up the top seven list among PL voters. All ministers were PL front runners in their respective home districts in the last gen- eral election with Camilleri and Borg posting stellar per- formances in the 13th and 7th districts respectively. In February 2021, Borg had pipped Fearne to the top spot among PL voters, with Byron Camilleri coming in a distant third. Camilleri does not fea- ture among the top seven in the latest survey. Among PN voters The Deputy Prime Minis- ter also tops the list of best performers among those who voted for the PN in the last election. Fearne received the consensus of 12% of PN voters, followed by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana with 4.5% and Ian Borg with 3.9%. Aaron Farrugia, the roads and infrastructure minister, comes in fourth among Nationalists with 2.6%. Clint Camilleri, Clifton Grima and Michael Falzon complete the top seven list. In February 2021, Fearne had also featured at the top of the list among PN voters, followed distantly by Evarist Bartolo and Miriam Dalli in second and third place respectively. Bartolo failed to get elected in the last election, while Dalli does not make it to the top sev- en among PN voters this time around. Men and women Fearne tops the list among men and women but twice as many female voters than males believe he is the best perform- er. Among women, Fearne attracts the support of 16.6% while among men he receives thumbs up from 9%. Clyde Caruana places sec- ond among men with 7.1% but drops to fifth among women with 2.1%. Ian Borg clocks in third among men with 6% and second among women with 5.9%. While Energy Minister Miri- am Dalli features in fifth place among male voters with 3.2%, none of the female ministers and parliamentary secretaries make it to the top seven list among women voters. Camilleri's fiefdom in Gozo On a geographical basis, the rankings are influenced by the strength of ministers on their respective electoral constitu- encies. Chris Fearne is the only one to make the top flight in all re- gions, including Gozo, where he is the only other Cabinet member apart from the three Gozitan ministers to feature. In Gozo, which is the only region that corresponds in its entirety to an electoral district, respondents gave Clint Camill- eri an impressive 34.3% score. Anton Refalo, who is agricul- ture minister, and Jo Etienne Abela, who is active aging min- ister, scored 11.4% and 3.1% respectively. All other ministers receive no mention, apart from Chris Fearne who scores 2.3%. Ian Borg tops the list in the Northern region, which in- cludes his constituencies, with 11.3%, followed by Fearne (8.2%) and Clyde Caruana (6.8%). In the Northern Harbour re- gion, Fearne hits the top of the chart 13.8%), followed by Clyde Caruana (5.9%) and Clifton Grima (4.8%). The South-Eastern region sees Fearne on top with 19.9% but it also features Culture Minister Owen Bonnici in sec- ond place with 8.2%, Miriam Dalli in third with 7.3%. Fearne also tops the Southern Harbour region with 11.8%, followed by Ian Borg (6.5%) and Byron Camilleri (4.5%). Borg tops the Western region, home to his constituencies, with 17%, followed by Fearne with 13.2% and Silvio Schembri with 5.1%. Julia Farrugia Portelli, min- ister for inclusion, features in fifth place with 4.6%, mak- ing her the only other female minister after Miriam Dalli to feature in the top seven spots of any subgroup. The West- ern region is home to Farrugia Portelli's constituencies. Methodology The survey was carried out be- tween Tuesday 22 November 2022 and Thursday 1 December 2022. 650 respondents opted to complete the survey. Stratified random sampling based on re- gion, age and gender was used to replicate the Maltese demo- graphic. The estimated margin of error is 4.2% for a confidence interval of 95% for the overall results. Demographic and sub- group breakdowns have signif- icantly larger margins of error. Applications are open for the Premju Ġieħ l-Artiġjanat Malti 2022. This edition aims to: • Award excellence in design, innovation and custom manufacturing • Inspire collaborations leading to innovative products and initiatives • Recognise persons providing a valid contribution to the sector Download the regulations and the application forms from the website: Submission deadline is the 24th of February, 2023. An Information Session will be held on the 12th of January, 2023. Register, or obtain more information, by sending an email on Chris Fearne 12.5% Ian Borg 5.9% Clyde Caruana 4.7% Clint Camilleri 2.8% Clifton Grima 2.6% Michael Falzon 2.2% Miriam Dalli 2.2%

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