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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 22 JANUARY 2023 6 THEATRE MaltaToday on Sunday interviews Teatru Malta's Lupu/Nagħġa cast, ahead of next week's premiere at Valletta Campus Theatre, and ask them to interpret Simone Spiteri's latest show in their own words Cast of Lupu/Nagħġa interpret Simone Spiteri's Magdalena van Kuilenburg ''LUPU/NAGĦĠA is raw, funny, scary, and thought-provoking. Is it really better to be a wolf for a day than a sheep all your life? Should we be afraid of a wolf in sheep's clothing? For me, this play is a clear reflection of our- selves as part of society and how our daily decisions have a direct impact or influence what hap- pens around us. During produc- tion meetings, and in my role as a dramaturg and actress in this piece, the vision has rem- magdalena van kuilenburgained constant; that is to create a spec- tacular, technically interesting/ challenging, and artistically impactful piece. That is what is going to be delivered to the audi- ence. Promise!'' Steven Dalli ''Lupu/Nagħġa is an abstract play, extremely realistic in a way that the audience will be left ana- lyzing themselves and the world around them. Coloured with animated movement and light we see different strata in society, where everyone is just a number. We will discover who is part of the flock and who is a predator, or be left thinking is everyone on the same side?'' Jean Claude Aber "A very unusual, interesting, sa- tirical play performed by a small group of actors each represent- ing a different part of our twisted norms we call modern society." Kristjana Casha ''Lupu/Nagħġa is a provocative piece. It will make you think, re- flect, maybe even feel a little bit ashamed, or make you go on the defensive. Who knows? It will evoke all sorts of reactions from the audience and that is what the- atre should be all about, right?'' Joseph Paul Vella ''Lupu/Nagħġa is an allegorical journey where a small defiance of the system leads to a cascade of events, all interconnected. We are raising a mirror to the soci- ety we live in today,showing it its own reflection, warts and all. What you take from that reflec- tion is up to you.'' Paul Portelli ''A loaded spring on steroids and that's just the backstage crew. It's also fun, a wonderful ride'' Carlos Farrugia ''In life there are either wolves or sheep. But at one time or an- other you were both a wolf and a sheep. It depends on the circum- stances that life throws at you. Be prepared for anything during this amazing journey. Enjoy it to the full.'' Simone Zammit ''This play is a mirror of our so- ciety times they can be sheep or when convenient wolves. It al- ludes to actual recent events that this country has gone through and is still experiencing. Some choose to turn a blind eye, others follow, while others take the opportunity at the expense of others.'' Anthony Halldor Mizzi Robyn Vella Jean Claude Aber