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NEWS 16 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 11 JUNE 2023 MCAST Mosta 25 June 5pm - 9pm Open Day MCAST Paola 23 June 6pm - 10pm Join us on campus to find out all about student life at MCAST JAMES DEBONO PRETTY Bay in Birżebbuġa could grow by a further 30m if a proposal by Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd to utilize sand ob- tained from dredging operations goes through. However, the extension will only happen if studies show that the dredged material is suitable for replenishing the beach, according to the com- pany's Project Development Statement. The dredging works are need- ed to enhance vessel manoeu- vrability at the Freeport termi- nals. Pretty Bay, which was artifi- cially enlarged in the late 1980s using sand recovered from the sea during previous dredging works. The PDS says that if the stud- ies reveal any contamination or hazardous elements in the dredged sand, the waste will be disposed in conformity with waste management proce- dures. The proposed project in- cludes raising the silted crest and outer slope of an under- water berm located further offshore in Pretty Bay by 1m and the dredging of material around the berm. This berm was initially created in 2006 to retain sediment within the bay. The intended course of action involves depositing the dredged sand in Pretty Bay, resulting in a beach replenish- ment that expands the beach by 30m. According to the PDS, more than 2,000 vessels enter and exit the Freeport terminals annually. The high volume of marine traffic justifies the pro- posed dredging works, aimed at providing seafaring vessels with increased manoeuvrabil- ity when entering or exiting Terminals 1 and 2. Moreover, the report highlights that the sediment collected from the vicinity of the rock berm repre- sents the most suitable source of sand material for replenish- ing Pretty Bay. The proposed extension of the beach is expected to increase its capacity and potentially benefit the local community, businesses, and the tourism industry. Additionally, raising the underwater rock berm by 1m would minimize the need for future maintenance dredg- ing over the coming years. If the proposed works receive the necessary permit, dredg- ing operations are set to com- mence in October 2023 and be completed by May 2024. To raise the height of the berm, rock boulder gabions will be strategically placed along its crest using a floating crane. This measure serves the purpose of retaining the newly extended beach while reduc- ing the requirement for future dredging due to increased wa- ter depths. However, one of the risks associated with the proposed dredging activities is the po- tential increase in turbidity, which could negatively impact the protected Posidonia mead- ows found in the surrounding area. To mitigate this risk, the PDS recommends conducting a survey to identify the spread of Posidonia in the area. Fur- thermore, silt curtains will be installed around the barge re- sponsible for the dredging op- erations to minimize any harm caused. Bizebbuga's Pretty Bay sandy beach may be extended by 30m Sand extracted during dredging operations at Freeport may be used to extend Pretty Bay if studies show material is not contaminated • Dredging works to start in October 2023