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MaltaToday 5 July 2023 MIDWEEK

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WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT WEDNESDAY EDITION €1.00 WEDNESDAY • 5 JULY 2023 • ISSUE 851 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY EDITORIAL • PAGE 11 PAGE 4 PAGE 3 PAGE 7 MasterChef Malta to air on PBS in February 2024 Residents fear noise from proposed 'multipurpose venue' on Rialto rooftop KARL AZZOPARDI & MATTHEW AGIUS FORMER Refugee Commissioner Rober- ta Buhagiar has told a court that she had flagged concerns over the government's de- tention of migrants aboard tourist vessels. Buhagiar a lawyer had been Commis- sioner for Refugees in 2020, responsible for the administration of asylum proce- dure in Malta, was testifying in the hu- man rights case filed by 32 asylum seekers who had been detained at sea for nearly 40 days. "There was no communication, in the sense that I didn't receive information about the progress. But at some point... I had received a phone call from Clyde Caruana, former chief of staff for the Prime Minister, asking if I could meet the PM," she testified on Tuesday. JAMES DEBONO A rooftop 'multipurpose venue' be- ing proposed on top of the Rialto has raised concerns that the neigh- bouring residents will be exposed to noise from parties and weddings. Former refugees commissioner had voiced concern over tourist boat detainees, court hears Back in 2020 the government had chartered four commercial sightseeing boats from Captain Morgan and Supreme Travel and used them to detain asylum seekers who had been rescued in the Maltese SAR (Photo: James Bianchi/mediatoday)

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