maltatoday | SUNDAY • 17 SEPTEMBER 2023
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Launch of the
Pre-Budget Consultation
Document 2024
Wednesday 27
September 2023
Xara Lodge, Rabat
time to ban?
it is still too early to provide
a clear answer on the long-
term impact of being exposed
to them. "Some recent studies
suggest that ENDS use can in-
crease the risk of heart disease
and lung disorders."
Professor Stephen Montfort
said that while the idea behind
vapes is that of only ingesting
nicotine, and not inhaling the
other carcinogenic chemicals in-
side cigarettes, experts have little
knowledge on what is put in.
"It would also be interesting
to see who the companies be-
hind these vape devices are," he
Montfort does not agree with
an outright ban of such devic-
es. "I don't necessarily agree
with bans. What I feel should
be done is that warnings like
on cigarette packets are clearly
stuck on the vape packaging."
Medical Association of Mal-
ta (MAM) President Martin
Balzan's views on vapes are in
line with Montfort's.
"While it has less oncogenes
than cigarettes, the jury is still
out, because there are chemi-
cals and unknown substances,
which we do not know how
they will react when heated
up," he said.
Balzan also said there are
companies that add more mil-
ligrams of nicotine than what
is stated on the label, leading
people to develop a stronger
addiction. He did not name the
While the jury is still out on
how safer an alternative vapes
are to traditional cigarettes,
Malta has so far not joined a
growing international move-
ment to ban the disposable ver-
sions of vapes.
Stephen Montfort and Martin Balzan