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MALTATODAY 14 January 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 14 JANUARY 2024 4 CULTURE GCHSS's third anual soiree is Little Women GIOVANNI Curmi Higher Sec- ondary School is presenting its third annual soiree between the 19th – 21st of January. Friday 19th, Saturday 20th the show starts at 1930, whilst on Sunday 21st the show starts at 1600. This year's soiree is inspired by the most popular novel 'Little Women' Generations of read- ers have fallen in love with the March sisters of Louisa May Alcott's novel 'Little Women'. The well-loved characters, tal- ented tomboy Jo, tragically frail Beth, beautiful Meg, and roman- tic, spoiled Amy are united in their devotion to each other and their struggles to survive in New England during the Civil War. 'Little Women' brought Alcott lasting fame and fortune, and far from being the "girl's book" her publisher requested, it explores such timeless themes as love and death, war and peace, the con- flict between personal ambition and family responsibilities, and the clash of cultures between Europe and America. The production is suitable for all the family and includes var- ious musical numbers. It is a celebration of students' talent. Past soiree included Rock the Rhapsody and Teen Beach: The Musical. They were both very successful, in fact there is a lot of hype for this year's edition, Get your tickets from ticket- Greta Gerwig's 2019 adaptation of Little Women Creative Europe: Supporting and promoting Europe's film and audiovisual sector CREATIVE Europe, is the Euro- pean Commission's programme dedicated to supporting the cul- ture and audiovisual sectors. It is a vast programme, which is subdivided into three strands, with the media strand being specifically designed to support Europe's audiovisual industries which include film, cinema, tel- evision, video on demand, new media and videogames. The aim of the Media Strand is to en- courage competitiveness, inno- vation and sustainability of the sector. The focus of this strand rests on four pillars: encouraging co- operation, nurturing talents, enhancing global circulation, and supporting audience en- gagement and development. All this is done through a number of calls, which are divided into four clusters which incorporate calls dealing with different aspects of the industry. The Content Cluster encourag- es collaboration and innovation in the creation, development and production of high-quali- ty works; the business cluster promotes business innovation, competitiveness, scalability and talents, to strengthen Europe's industry on a global scale; the audience cluster strengthens the accessibility and visibility of works for their potential audi- ences through distribution chan- nels and also through audience development initiatives, and the policy cluster supports policy discussion and exchange fora, as well as studies and reports. With grants such as Video Games and Immersive Content Development Call and Innova- tive Tools and Business Models Call with fast approaching dead- lines, we encourage you to reach out for other calls which could be highly beneficial to your audio- visual company! These include especially the European Co-De- velopment Call, which particu- larly encourages transnational collaboration between European independent audiovisual com- panies, as well as the Mini-Slate Development Call, a grant ded- icated to countries with a low audiovisual capacity. The offices of Malta's Creative Europe Desk, located in Valletta, make it easy to reach by anyone who wishes to know more about the programme. The friendly team offers assistance related to the programme, and it is their prerogative to reach out to peo- ple in varying ways, amongst which: one to one meetings, information sessions, online events, and participation in in- dustry related events. Get in touch with the Cre- ative Europe Desk Malta on 20908990/1/7 and stay up to date with what we are up to by following our Facebook Page- Creative Europe Desk Malta or by visiting: www.creativeeurope-

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