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16 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 17 JANUARY 2024 NEWS ACROSS 1) Far-from-short films 6) Broke the silence, in a way 11) Teary-eyed 14) Update land boundaries 15) Suitable for tabloid head- lines 16) English 101 verb 17) Called on the carpet 19) Word with "ad" or "wom- en's" 20) Kidney-related 21) Guacamole essential 23) In the middle of 25) Late quotable Yankee legend 27) Congregation's positive reply 28) Fourth musical scale sounds 29) It was established by Augus- tus 32) Not use a wedding planner 34) Procreate, old-style 35) Apple variety 38) Fanciful ornamental styles 42) Hot wine beverage 44) Old hag 45) Stealing obsession 50) Hosiery mishap 51) ___-tat (drumming output) 52) Frame of mind 53) More than half 54) Flatter in a servile manner 57) Exudation from certain plants 59) Young billy 60) Newts and others 64) Praiseful poem 65) Large-scale concert venue 66) Say "uh-huh" 67) Is in another form? 68) Brake part 69) P.C. Wren's "Beau ___" DOWN 1) Commit a faux pas 2) Dodgers legend ___ Wee Reese 3) Put in the slammer 4) Felt concern for 5) "Wheel of Fortune" tum 6) Ski past flags 7) Humorous play on words 8) Cleric, as times 9) Ukrainian capital 10) Taro root 11) Italian deli item 12) More desiccated 13) Make a fillet of 18) BLT condiment 22) Hostage taker 23) "___ Good Men" (1992 film) 24) Country once known as French Sudan 26) Chat and then some 29) Electronic clock feature 30) Kind of trip that's all in your head 31) Place of pilgrimage 33) Foreign correspondent? 36) Years ___ (in the past) 37) Walloped in the ring 39) They examine bodies of evidence? 40) Burden 41) Posted 43) ___ Tome and Principe 45) Former Polish capital 46) "Well, ___ !" ("Aren't you something!") 47) Piano school lessons 48) Like a 98.6-degree body temperature 49) Potential solution 53) Mosquitolike insect 55) Rush-order letters 56) Unladen weight 58) Angler's problem 61) Santa ___ , California 62) Emeritus (Abbr.) 63) "What'd I tell you?" F Solution to last week's crossword The answers to today's crossword will be published in next week's Midweek edition Weather Rather cloudy with some isolated showers at first becoming cloudy with showers locally thundery and gusty at times Visibility Good locally moderate to poor in showers TOMORROW Crossword WEATHER ISOLATED SHOWERS 22 0 / 16 0 TODAY ISOLATED SHOWERS 20 / 15 0 FEELS LIKE 20 0 FEELS LIKE 22 0 JOSÈF Bonello has been appoint- ed by the Malta Tourism Author- ity as the first ambassador for the promotion of the wines of Malta and Gozo. "In this new role, Bonello shall be aiming to raise the profile and knowledge of Maltese wines, both locally and more impor- tantly internationally," the au- thority announced on Tuesday. Over the last forty years, the authority explained, the Mal- tese wine scene has experienced a tremendous growth as more and more wine drinkers are ap- preciating Maltese wine for its quality, and understanding how important it is to our culture, our agriculture, and our tourism product. "Quality tourism is often the result of travellers seeking meaningful and unique expe- riences at their destination," it added. "The combination of wine and gastronomy is a niche that appeals to a wide audience and fortunately the Maltese Islands have an exciting story to tell in this niche." Josèf Bonello's wine journey began more than thirty years ago when a local winery pre- sented him with an opportunity to market its range of Maltese wines. Throughout his career, he gained valuable experience with local winemakers and wine im- porters who allowed him to rep- resent wines from around the world. In the meantime, the Wine & Spirit Education Trust provided him with the academic founda- tions that fuelled his infectious enthusiasm for wine. The authority is confident, it said, that Bonello will succeed in his mission to establish a brand identity for The Maltese Islands' wines and also Mediterranean wines through his great experi- ence and love of the wine sector. Josèf Bonello appointed Malta's first Wine Ambassador by MTA The Malta Tourism Authority has appointed well- known presenter and personality Josèf Bonello as the first ambassador for the promotion of the wines of Malta and Gozo MARIANNA CALLEJA Josèf Bonello appointed Wine Ambassador. (Photo: Facebook)