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MaltaToday 21 February 2024 MIDWEEK

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10 OPINION maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 21 FEBRUARY 2024 AS we navigate the intricate web of societal challenges, it be- comes increasingly evident that the pursuit of social justice is not a mere seasonal endeavor but a commitment that should be en- grained in the fabric of our daily lives. Social justice demands at- tention and action throughout the entire year, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted issues that persist within our society. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, the numbers tell a disconcerting tale, revealing the harsh reality that many in- dividuals in our country still face. According to the European Statistics on income and the conditions of life, a staggering 85,797 people in our nation currently grapple with an in- come that falls below €10,893. These figures underscore the pressing need for concrete measures to combat poverty and uplift the vulnerable mem- bers of our society. However, despite the imple- mentation of various strate- gies, the number of individuals at risk of poverty in Malta has remained alarmingly consist- ent. The economic landscape is ever-evolving, and the increase in the cost of living com- pounds the challenges faced by those already on the brink. Families grappling with low in- comes find themselves dispro- portionately affected by these economic shifts, amplifying the risk of poverty within their households. It is crucial to acknowledge that a significant proportion of these struggling workers are employed in positions that, by any standard, should provide a decent living wage. The Nationalist Party recog- nizes the severe repercussions that this income inequality has on the welfare of these fami- lies. It is a stark reality that de- mands our attention, as it not only affects individuals but al- so undermines the very foun- dation of our society. A just and compassionate so- ciety cannot turn a blind eye to the struggles of its citizens, and it is imperative that we address these disparities head-on. In light of these challenges, the Nationalist Party asserts that the State must take deci- sive action to protect the rights of all citizens, irrespective of their socio-economic status. This commitment extends to listening attentively to con- structive criticism, even from those who may openly disagree with the government. A truly just society is one where the rule of law is sac- rosanct, and both rights and duties are honoured not only by the State but also by every individual within the commu- nity. Equality before the law is paramount, and it extends its commitment to being a vo- cal advocate for social justice. Our party will continue to be a beacon for change through articles, television and radio programs, as well as through active engagement with the public via visits and meetings focused on the theme of social justice. It is crucial to understand Upholding social justice: a year-round commitment Ivan Bartolo is PN spokesperson for Social and Affordable Accommodation and the fight against poverty Ivan Bartolo According to the European Statistics on income and the conditions of life, a staggering 85,797 people in our nation currently grapple with an income that falls below €10,893

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