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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 17 MARCH 2024 6 COMMERCIAL Breaking the mold: Frank Salt Real Estate launches game-changing sole agency package IT is common practice in Mal- ta for property owners that are looking to sell, to engage mul- tiple estate agencies simulta- neously. The rationale behind this approach is to maximise exposure and increase the like- lihood of a swift sale. However, this practice can often compli- cate matters, requiring sellers to maintain communication with multiple agencies, juggle nu- merous appointments and po- tentially make the process more chaotic. Some property owners choose to exclusively list their property with one estate agency, grant- ing them sole marketing rights in exchange for a concentrated effort to facilitate the sale. This approach not only enhances the agency's commitment to selling the property but also offers po- tential savings on the agency fee. Frank Salt Real Estate has in- troduced a new premium listing package that combines the best of both worlds. With the new Sole Agency Package, a dedicat- ed consultant is assigned to the property owner, guiding them through every step of the pro- cess: from listing the property and coordinating client viewings to negotiating terms and navi- gating the sales process, all the way to the successful completion of the sale. Upon listing the property, an experienced consultant will con- duct a professional valuation and then a tailor-made market- ing strategy is agreed upon with the property owner on how to best position and market the property. Utilising cutting-edge marketing tools for maximum exposure such as sophisticat- ed walk-throughs, profession- al photography and videos, all ensure that the property stands out. Additionally, priority listing the property on the company's websites and on leading local and international property por- tals, coupled with regular social media shoutouts, amplifies visi- bility. Moreover, the dedicated prop- erty consultant will offer guid- ance on optimal property pres- entation, including an optional home staging service. Assistance is also provided for obtaining an Energy Performance Certificate and navigating planning regu- larisation with the Planning Au- thority where necessary. Frank Salt Real Estate's new Sole Agency Package offers un- paralleled selling flexibility for property owners with the possi- bility of the listing agent collabo- rating with other estate agencies and also potentially allowing the option for the owner to sell di- rectly. The listing consultant will still manage the whole process. Past statistics have shown that a sole agency listing with Frank Salt Real Estate sells much fast- er than an open agency listing and with this new package and the state-of-the-art marketing being offered, the selling pro- cess should become even more streamlined and efficient. The company upholds high standards through its extensive- ly trained and skilled workforce. With over 60% of Frank Salt Re- al Estate property consultants boasting more than five years of real estate experience, clients can expect the utmost level of service. Contact one of our offices for more information on this new Sole Agency service. MFSA campaign educates consumers on the dangers of greenwashing AS the momentum for sustain- able finance builds, the risk of misleading practices may also increase. To empower consum- ers and combat deceptive prac- tices, the Malta Financial Ser- vices Authority has launched a campaign aimed at educating the public on sustainable fi- nance, while simultaneously shedding light on the dangers of greenwashing. Sustainable Finance promotes economic development while also positively contributing to environmental and social is- sues by directing financial re- sources toward activities that do not perpetuate environmen- tal, social and economic harm. In this context, greenwashing occurs when companies false- ly portray themselves or their products as environmentally friendly. MFSA's Head of Conduct Supervision, Sarah Pulis said: "The campaign, 'Go Sustaina- ble – Dodge Greenwashing!', is motivated by our commitment to empower the public to make informed and environmentally responsible financial choices. Greenwashing poses a signifi- cant challenge to consumers of financial services and having a keen eye in determining what is actually "green" is very im- portant." Examples of green financial products include: Bonds fi- nancing eco-friendly projects; Ethical funds investing in sustainable industries; Insur- ance-based investment prod- ucts aligned with ESG goals and green loans supporting re- newable energy initiatives and water conservation efforts. To ensure both financial se- curity and alignment with their sustainability values, the MF- SA recommends that consum- ers take several crucial steps. This includes questioning the sustainability claims made by financial institutions and de- manding transparency in their practices. Carrying out inde- pendent research on the crite- ria and metrics used to meas- ure environmental impact is commendable for informed decision-making. Consumers should also seek to support in- itiatives that have undergone rigorous scrutiny and adhere to strict sustainability stand- ards to improve the outcomes of their investment decisions. Financial Services providers should ensure that the finan- cial products they recommend to their clients align with the latter's personal preferences and sustainability values. For further information on sustainable financial products and greenwashing refer to the MFSA campaign website.