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MALTATODAY 28 April 2024

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12 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 28 APRIL 2024 NEWS COURT NOTICE The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifies that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by Judicial Auction of the following property to be held in room numbered 78, nearby the Courts Archives, Level -1, Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Date Time Judicial Sale No Property 07 th May, 2024 10.30am 12/22 – EM Farstone Construction and Restoration Limited (C 30589) Vs VLT Boutique Limited (C 65817) The tenement numbered 98, in Republic Street, Valletta, with a superficial range of land of circa 183sqm, consisting of a former old building prior to the year of 1967, with a long corridor with stairs accessing each floor and which opens into an internal yard from which one can access the basement through a flight of stairs, with its own airspace, and is valued at €2,382,024.90. 07 th May, 2024 11.00am 22/23 – EGL Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833) Vs Callus Christian (ID 499783M) The garage internally marked number 6, without its airspace and which garage is situated in a common drive in that abuts onto Triq in-Nigret, Zurrieq, situated at basement level with an area of which is higher than the street level where one finds a small window that permits natural light and ventilation in the garage and is a corner garage with access from a common ramp that abuts onto Triq in-Nigret and from the other side sides with Triq Isouard Xuereb, with a superficial measurement of circa 21sqm and is of an irregular shape. This garage enjoys the right of perpetual and non interrupted use together with the other garages owners in the same complex of the common ramp and drive in from where the garage is accessible, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances, and which garage is bounded North West with Triq in-Nigret, South West with Triq Isouard Xuereb, South East with the drive way at basement level that gives access to this garage and other properties and North East with another garage of third parties, as described in the act dated 16.07.2008 in the acts of Notary Mary Camilleri Cutajar, and is valued at €45,000. 09 th May, 2024 11.30am 65/23 – EM Camilleri Ludwig (ID 501973M) et Vs Camilleri Andrew (ID 624149M) The property is a warehouse unnumbered officially and known as 'Alexander Garage', in Triq il-Maħżnier, Ħal Luqa unknown correct boundaries. The offers shall begin from €300,000 with the admission of extraneous bidders. 14 th May, 2024 11.30am 42/22 – AZ HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. (C 3177) Vs Dr Mario Caruana et noe The tenement without name and officially numbered 219 previously numbered 243, accessible from the main door on ground floor level, in Triq il-Kbira, Mosta, on three floors, with part of the tenement underlies third party property on ground floor level, including its airspace, and with all its appurtenances, free and unencumbered, and as subject to the servitudes naturally resulting from its position partially overlying third party property on groundfloor level which includes also the drainage and services drains that serves the underlying property from the internal yard which forms part of the tenement and the common drainage system. The tenement also enjoys the right to use the shaft which is contiguous to the tenement and which shaft belongs to third parties and on the backside of the first and second floor level has windows overlooking the yard of the third parties on the ground floor level, including the undivided share of the boundary walls, together with the adjacent properties as well as the undivided share of the ceiling of the underlying tenement (that belongs to third parties) which occupies part of the groundfloor level, bounded from the East, West and North with third party property and from the South with Triq il-Kbira, where it has the facade onto the street, and this as described in the acts of Notary Annalisa Caruana of the 06.06.2008 and is valued at €530,000. 21 st May, 2024 10.30am 9/20 – AZ Seabank Hotel and Catering Limited (C 40319) Vs Portelli Joseph Mary (ID 536861M) et Two garages internally numbered 5 and 6 on the second level (upper basement) forming part of a building of basement garages with car access entrance from Triq il-Merluzz and exit from Triq it-Turisti in Qawra, San Pawl il-Bahar. The usage of these two garages was changed as garages were connected with another two immovable properties next to garage number 6, previously also garages, occupied by a semi detached villa numbered 83 previously numbered 44, and which was named Villa Aida, bounded entirely from South West with the said street, North West with property of the successors in title of Family Pace and South East with property of families Grech and Debono, as well as the adjacent garage with the same villa with number 81, in Triq Birbal and which is bounded South West with the said street from which it was accessible, South East with the said villa and North West with property of the successors in title of family Pace, with all its rights and appurtenances according to the contract in the acts of Notary Dr. Carmel Martinelli published on the 30.05.2005, and is valued at €515,000. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Gaetana Aquilina For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals Employment Opportunities Senior Technical Oicer Ref No. HR/MEYR 31/2024 Internal Calls Technical Oicer Ref No. HR/MEYR 30/2024 Assistant Technical Oicer Ref No. HR/MEYR 29/2024 Assistant Foreman Ref No. HR/MEYR 33/2024 Senior Foreman Ref No. HR/MEYR 32/2024 For more info: in the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation. Steward bosses kicked wanted for Senate THE financial problems encoun- tered by the private healthcare giant Steward Health Care in eight Massachusetts hospitals it ran have become the subject of a marathon session of congression- al hearings in Boston. The hearings are led by United States senators Ed Markey and Eliz- abeth Warren, titled "When Health Care Becomes Wealth Care: How Corporate Greed Puts Patient Care and Health Workers At Risk," and focus on for-profit healthcare com- panies like Steward. Steward branched out in Malta via Steward Healthcare International when it acquired the concession granted to the unknown itals Glob- al Healthcare by the Labour admin- istration, back in 2017. Since then, a Maltese judge concluded that the concession had breached its terms and that changes to the contract under the purview of former prime minister Joseph Muscat and his minister Konrad Mizzi, had been highly irregular. With Steward kicked out of the three Malta state hospitals it failed to revitalise into a health-tourism hub, the American parent is now under the lens of American politi- cians after financial losses started to jeopardise operations at its Massa- chusetts hospitals. Senator Ed Markey said Steward executives, whose business model is to simply extract maximum rental rates from healthcare institutions, had trapped those hospitals with "the rot of their greed."

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