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MALTATODAY 28 April 2024

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7 NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 28 APRIL 2024 munity of Siġġiewi," the ministry said when asked for its reaction. Nonetheless, the timing of this process on the eve of what is ex- pected to be a hotly contested lo- cal election raises suspicion. The move has all the hallmarks of a Labour Party trying to ensure it retains control of the Siġġiewi local council. In 2019, the PL won a majority of seats in Siġġiewi for the first time in local election history. It was a razor thin victory that saw the PL obtain a mere 70 votes more than the Nationalist Party. The PL is hoping to repeat the feat, while the PN has made it one of its election targets to win back the council. On Friday, the PN filed court proceedings asking that the 99 voters be transferred back to their original addresses since they do not live at the address indicated on their ID card. PN secretary general Michael Piccinino said the PN was not calling for voters to be struck off the electoral register but to have their addresses transferred back to the localities they are current- ly living in. Piccinino described the situ- ation as systematic misuse of government housing that is tan- tamount to gerrymandering in a bid to influence the outcome of the upcoming local council elec- tion. Meanwhile, the PL reacted to Friday's court action by trying to paint the PN as being against social housing projects, an as- sertion rejected outright by the Opposition. Attempts to contact Housing Minister Roderick Galdes di- rectly were unsuccessful. Malta Pajjiżna Flimkien inkomplu nsaħħu lil electricity, internal works still ongoing Extensive work is still going on at the Siggiewi building

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